Coral Propagation in the Wild

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2009
Some of these corals look familiar and it's wonderful to see the reefs being cared for! :)

See the video here
That video is so inspiring after so many years in the hobby (Retail/Wholesale Manufacturing/Aquarist) and personally seeing the destruction of the reefs for fish & coral collection (mostly sun dried or bleach dipped for decorative app) dynamite and cyanide.

We have learned SO Much and hope we continue to do so. Cheers to us all and WE SHOULD BE PROUD FOR OUR CONTRIBUTION.

I would be happy for the rest of my life doing that!

Hahaha! I know how you feel and seriously second that! How fun would that be!! It's like swimming in your own tank everyday and getting paid for it. Gees, I would gladly do it for free for that matter! Wow...I might even pay to do it!:p
I would be happy for the rest of my life doing that!

= end goal of my whole career in this industry.
I hope to have a small coral reseeding station somehere it's needed most at the the tropics of course, on the beach. :)

the flip side is the potential tsunami/shark that might take me out... :(
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that is awesome! I'd be surprised if the dive societies don't do some of this as well. I know they do fish surveys. Very cool....and I picked a couple of corals that I want off those racks ... lol
Does anyone know if any organizations have made an effort to preserve some coral species for eventual reintroduction by having hobbyists keep them in aquariums like the Heirloom Seed people have people growing plant varieties in their gardens?
Does anyone know if any organizations have made an effort to preserve some coral species for eventual reintroduction by having hobbyists keep them in aquariums like the Heirloom Seed people have people growing plant varieties in their gardens?

Yes, it is being done with some endagered Carribean/Atlantic species.
Hahaha! I know how you feel and seriously second that! How fun would that be!! It's like swimming in your own tank everyday and getting paid for it. Gees, I would gladly do it for free for that matter! Wow...I might even pay to do it!:p

Take your vacation and support the locals industry of tourist and that will help them re-plant the coral.

I go scuba in Philippine and genrally in South east Asia at least once a year. With tourist money the tourist industry worker can push the government to designate marine park where coral colection and fishing is band.

Have you ever seen giant clam that are over a meter long in the wild? I have In Philippine and it is due to the local tourist industry took them from the un potected area to the marine park. They are so big and so colorfull.