Couple questions about my new setup

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May 16, 2007
Realistically speaking...with my new 75 gallon setup if I'm using the 30 pounds of live rock I have now + the sand how soon would you say it would be possible to transfer corals/livestock over to it? Also, what size pump would you guys say I should get? I was thinking 800-1000 GPH?
as soon as possible, i would test for nitrites before i put in any corals in. This may take a few days, change out 15g's with 15g's of the other tanks water, match up the water param's close, then aclimate the heck outa the corals.

pumps? Hmmm i would do alot more then 1000gph, more like 3000gph, stronger the better.
But when you say pump, do you mean for your return? or for water flow? do a CL with a mag 18-25 and use an approriate pump for your return, depending on the drains if any. Good luck and happy reeffing.
Now let me get this straight just so we're clear....Water goes into the plumbing via the overflow into the sump , and is pulled back in through the return pump back into the tank? I was looking at the mag drive 12 as a return pump..what do you mean by CL? Sorry for all the questions but it's my first plumbing job!
Cl is CLosed loop, If theres a budget for a CL i would do that rather then lots of powerheads, and you are correct on the other terms. How many GPh is your overflow?
Im not sure about the overflow as I haven't seen the tank in store yet..they have to order it. And how much is a CL system?
CL is closed loop. The water is drawn into a pump and then returned directly to the tank without any pit stops. Consider them to be "plumbed power jets".

You are correct about the flow from the display, through the overflow, into the sump and back out through the return.

Is your tank drilled? Are you using a HOB (hang on back) style overflow? Water drains quite quickly (depending on the drain size), but you need to ensure that it drains as fast as it is getting pumped back in and vice versa...this will avoid overflow in either the display or the sump. Usually the latter isn't the problem.

Good luck.

EDIT: Just read those other replies that jumped up ahead....what kind of tank are you looking at? What size?

It's the Perfecto drilled reef ready tank that comes with the overflow kit
Cool...just saw the size as well...75 gal. I haven't seen those the overflow in the middle or on the side?

As for a CL...if it is a glass tank, it will need to be pre-drilled for you.

It has 2 holes and is a corner overflow..which I heard was better due to less dead spots?
It's all good. How is the sump set there a fuge? As for the overflow plumbing, check out this:

It is an easy modification and will make things less noisy. Any turns in your plumbing should be a 45 elbow instead of a 90.
The cost of the CL is dependant on the pluming. You can build it your self and its quite easy even for the first time plumber and inexpensive. Kris is rite on the concept of the CL, its the best way to get alot of flow without risk of leaks, and not having to see powerheads.
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The sump will be a basic 10 gallon tank, I plan on putting the skimmer/heater/ etc. in there
Have you considered a 20 long? You might have a micro buble problem with a 10, i use a 30 on a 125, and its just enough.
It looks bigger than 10
Wow, all of this talk about closed loops makes my mind start turning. Scratch the fact that you have to have the tank would be best to have DIRECT lines without any turns in the plumbing. Now the idea is popping into my head of a closed loop....

Hmmm. External pump with the plumbing over the back of the tank....will painted PVC hold up in salt water...can you use painted PVC in salt water? I would love to have the benifit of a CL....MORE FLOW!!! If I could go back to February....I would drill my acrylic and put in that type of system. Still, I may consider something else....

Ok...Well let's see here I'm on a tight budget. I was looking to get a couple secondhand pumps. I'm looking at a mag drive 12 which is 1200 GPH...16x turnover. The overflow is on the left side of the tank with 2 holes, if you could do a little diagram on paint or if someone could show me how to do it with cheap materials I would definately consider the CLS
PVC is cheap. Use the pipe type, not the vinyl, soft type. I assume the tank is drilled in the bottom...I would use an 1 1/2" bulk head on the overflow, that will attach to a fitting and then to a piece of PVC pipe that will go directly in to the sump. For the return, it will depend on what the output size is. You can use fitting to increase the size from the pump to the final return. Your return will be further away from the opening in the tank. Make room for the turns and use 45 degree elbows instead of 90's. Less restriction on the pump. Others have installed a gate valve to help control flow...not good right off the main line of the return pump...I am sure others will jump on this, but I will try to sketch something up and PM it to you.

I would be carefull with a mag 12 on that setup. perfecto says the overflow is only rated at 600 gph. I have a mag 9.5 on my 90 pefecto with a 20 long sump and it works out pretty well. good luck and post pics

Ok...Well let's see here I'm on a tight budget. I was looking to get a couple secondhand pumps. I'm looking at a mag drive 12 which is 1200 GPH...16x turnover. The overflow is on the left side of the tank with 2 holes, if you could do a little diagram on paint or if someone could show me how to do it with cheap materials I would definately consider the CLS