cptbjorn's 3g Cube Pico

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I picked up some corals this weekend from the BRA anniversary sale and figured I should give an update since a whole lot has happened in this tank...

I had a crash early last month when the heater went out while I was on vacation and the tank was around 60-65F for 3-6 days. With all the sps and lps and the small water volume I was dosing over 2.5 dkh worth of alkalinity per day using my ATO, and at the lower temps the corals stopped using it and when I got home my tank looked like death and the alk was at 15 or so... I did what I could, split all the rocks apart to group corals in buckets according to how bad they were looking and did all kinds of dips and water changes and aggressive fragging and ended up saving pieces of at least half, many of these corals turned out to be much more resilient than we give them credit for...

Anyways over the last couple weeks I've been reintroducing the survivors back from my mantis tank and they are coloring back up, eating like pigs and I had to start dosing two part again; it all came back together really just in time to pick up some new acros at the BRA sale :)

On saturday I nabbed a nice red planet acro frag that I've had my eye on for a couple weeks, for the price I thought for sure someone else would take it but then the sale came and my number was called and there it was :) Also picked up a $10 tricolor acro frag that kinda reminds me of the garf bonsai I lost in the crash. My camera screen is broken and I can't see what I'm shooting or use the right color balance so the pictures suck, but here's the best I can do for now. Red planet looks a little light in the pics but it is really vibrant pink and green and the polyps have never retracted once, not even in the bag on the way home:

Then last night I was f5ing for the raffle results and when they came up I was surprised when I saw my name next to the strawberry shortcake acro, elos additive pack and coral frenzy :cool: I don't know what else to say about that since all of the adjectives I would normally use in this situation are banned here :) but suffice to say I'm stoked and huge thanks to BRA and the vendors for the sale and the raffle :)

Here's the SSC I picked up this morning, I have it under the cespitularia tree while it acclimates to the LEDs but the color is incredible already. You can't tell from the pic but the green on it is the new brightest thing in my tank, I can't wait to get it out in the open and get some growth going.

And a fts for good measure, sorry its so blown out. I need a new camera... Everything is crammed together and glued to frag plugs because I'm almost done with my new tank and this pico is likely going to be a prop tank pretty soon.

Thanks :)

Power went out last night but I'm running my diy pump off of a 6v lantern battery and wrapped the tank and an oil lamp up with some aluminum foil and towels and it hasn't dropped below 75F, works pretty well and everything has stayed open like nothing happened.

Last winter I kept it warm one night by blasting the front glass with a propane torch every hour or so, the oil lamp seems slightly less dangerous lol.