crabs and shrimps

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
I found my pepermint shrimp dead today half looks like it got ate by something. The last few days I was wondering why it was hanging out on top of the seio power head when usually it is hanging around the caves of the rock work. Well last night I saw a tiny crab in there it looks like emerald crab but I could'nt really tell. so now I now why the pepermint was hanging out on top of the powerhead it was scared for its life. I also noticed that my yellow clown goby has been missing for a couple of weeks. I have a harliquin shrimp in there, will this tiny crab try to go for it? How can I get this crab out of my tank without having to tear the tank down? Any advice is very much appreciated. TIA

If it's truly an Emerald Crab, I highly doubt it's scaring or harming a peppermint shrimp or a yellow clown goby. I've had several emerald crabs for the last couple years and they've never bothered anything at all in my tanks. They're typically algae eaters and their claws are designed for plucking algae off of rocks.
a glass sitting on the bottom by the rock you last seen it then just put a peice of fresh shrimp in it. it goes and gets it it can't get out
Yippie kiyah. I GOT HIM! What do you know I went on to turn on my actinics to see if it was out, well it was in the exact same spot it was last night laughing at me (well maybe it wasn't) and where I found my dead pepermint shrimp this morning. I tried to get at it with a tong that was no good. So luckily the rock was in a place that was easily removed. So i took it out and just flushed it with hot water and it cooked it (YES):badgrin:. I did'nt take a pic but is sure wasn't an emerald crab it had bright red claws. Now my aquarium can exist in peace. Now I gotta get a couple more peppermint shrmp to take care of the few aptasias a have. Thanks everyone for the help!

Yeah I did get a hawk fish but I only had it for a week. The Clown goby been missing for over a couple of weeks but hey no worries now the crab is no longer amongst the breathing lol:badgrin: