crazy nice Italian tank

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Neither do we we Scott! We talk and discuss all topics here on Reef Frontiers with out arguement or banning are silly stuff like that. We find it much better for the hobbist if things are explained about systems (from LR, to sand to lights and so on) as in how things work. From thier the choices to use or not is up to the individual but at least he or she has a general understanding of the product or method.

So if you want to discuss zeovits system please feel free to start a thread. I wouldnt mind diving into the system.

added info.

I noticed they sell supplements like amino acids potassiumlodide floride and iron concentrate ? I have no idea how these effect a tank Ammino acids seem harmless the potassium one I don't know and the iron one ? isn't iron sompthing you don't want ? and they also are promoting sompthing new to me Ceramic rock any thoughts on advantages disadvantages on this I don't know how porus ceramic gets ?
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Plack lets see if Scott wants to give this thread a start and then we can break down the system from thier.

Interesting Italian tanks.... and I am amazed that they are using 10K EVC bulb... Ive been thinking of going to this bulb since its par reading is not that bad compared to others. And the spectral graph is similar to XM's but not as high as par. In which in my opinion makes my corals looks pale.

Thanks for sharing.
In Italy much light is used on the tanks, above all for the methods like the Blu Coral Method. Alexalbe uses an Italian method that is called Xaqua, much similar to ZEOvit. The original Blu Coral method use the HGH but in Italy many aquarists use BC without HGH with beautifull colors and with a big growth. Some people uses 6.500°K bulbs for the beginning and then they change color temperature, 10.000-14.000°K. Big skimmer and good trace and macro elements ratio, Mg up to1500-1600 and Calcium up to 500 ppm, but additives like amminos with a special mix of seafruits.
In the picture, the Mario Conti's reef with teh BC method from Rome.
Ocean Drive, thanks for the great picture. I have started using the Blu Coral Method in the last month and am quite happy with my results.
what kind a result you got that made you quite happy,,could you share,thanks

I turned SueT onto the Blue Coral Method about a month ago. Went and visited her and took her some food, "Pappone". Been following the thread over on RC, Go to the first few pages, incredible tanks.
Instead of HGH, using L Glutamine for Amino Acids mixed in with the food, feeding once a week, and ReefPlus once a week inbetween. Great growth and color. Here's the recipe:

“Pappone” Recipe – Italian Coral Food (Updated 1/14/2007)

5 Oysters
5 Mussels
5 Clams
5 Shrimp (NOT cocktail shrimp, the big scampi type w/o the head and the shell)
1 Tablespoon of Sugar (not corn syrup, etc.)
200 mL of RO/DI water
10 g of Red Algae (Palmaria palmata; Bisck uses Julian Sprung's brand)
and/or 10 g of Spirulina, 10 g of Nori (spirulina is what Bisck prefers)

Methods: Make SURE that all ingredients are the freshest possible and DO NOT use frozen foods (unless it is impossible for you). Make sure everything "live" is rinsed and cleaned before putting it into the blender. Put all the ingredients into the blender and blend for 5 min, wait 2 min for it to cool, 5 more min blending, 2 min of waiting again, then finally another 5 min of blending (the pausing is so that the solution doesn't get too hot and "cook" from the heat of the blender/blades). Pour into cube forms (approx 10 mL each). Then freeze it all—you want to minimize how long everything is at room temperature.

Procedure: One hour prior to turning off your lights, you have the option of adding Amino acids to the tank*. (For example, 11pm Halides off, add AA’s, 12am, actinics off, then add pappone). Take off the cup of your skimmer, but leave the skimmer running (so you don’t have a massive drop in O2 levels overnight). After the lights are off, start with only a ¼ of a cube per WEEK for every 400 L of tank water (approx 100 gallons). Be sure to measure NO3 and PO4 the next morning so that these parameters don't spike after feeding. You can reduce the amount fed if you are having nutrient problems. Also don’t forget to put the skimmer cup back on the next morning before the lights go back on.

*If everything is going well. It is good to wait and see how the tank is doing for awhile before trying this. The whole point here is that you don't want to change anything too fast, because nothing good happens quickly in this hobby. (Another method to grind up amino acid pills in the next batch of food; however Bisck found that it sometimes causes diatom outbreaks in his tank).
I've used this for six feedings with great result. You have to be careful though, very high in protiens. Start out slowly.........
I could not be happier with the results I am seeing. Growth is insane to say the least. I would not be falling over myself saying so if it wasn't. I have a blue stag that about bit the dust with that metal issue I had in the tank about 6-8 weeks ago. I fragged the top off cause it was bleaching from the base up. The base has come back with crazy growth, but whats so freakin' awesome is the color. I can't describe it{and for me thats saying something}. It literally has put on .25" in less than 4 days.
The PAPPONE feeds an entire system, not only and directly the corals, but for first all microorganisms of the zooplankton, in its turn food for many SPS and LPS with the bacterioplankton.
Sugar in the mixture like carbon source.
Ocean Drive I have noticed a much healthier overall appearance of my reef tank too. I do only keep sps corals but everything looks much healthier. The coralline has even exploded in pinks, purples and reds.
you take the collection cup off so the skimmer doesn't take the food out of the tank right away. Leave the cup off overnight but let the skimmer run to keep the water oxygenated.
Zeovit is one way of having nice corals in this hobbie.I can get the same growth and color by many other methaeds.Ther are some things i dont like about Zeo.The bigest problem with Zeo systems is,coral dont do good in non Zeo tanks.Corals from systems that dont use Zeo tend to be harder.I am not
knocking on Zeo.