dailydriven911's Bathroom ADA 5.5g Rimless Pico

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sps addict
Feb 19, 2007
Bonney Lake, WA
So after being tankless for almost two years...yes two long years I'm back with my smallest tank yet. Originally this was going to sit on my desk at the office but I decided to bring it home and set it up in what else...the bathroom!:D The view is excellent from the toilet which is a major bonus for me and my guests!:D So I saw this little tank at BR and had to have it. Decided to go LED with a boostled par 30 (3 blue/2 white with 60 degree optics). Modded an Aquaclear 20 hob filter and added a fuge. Also added a DIY surface skimmer.This is a tank that will keep me happy for awile but eventually I'll be upgrading to a much larger rimless tank so I thought I'd share my progress with this one.

So here's the list so far:

BR 2.5g rimless tank 12x7x7
Boostled PAR 30 LED bulb
AC20 hob filter with fuge and surface skimmer
10lbs Marco rocks Key Largo prime cut rock (should be here Monday)
Hydor 7w heater
1.5" Caribsea live sand

Flow will be provided by the AC20 (100 gph) and should be enough for 2 gallons. This will be a softy/lps low maintenance tank. Maybe a small pocillopora but nothing to crazy. I'll probably have just one small clown goby or goby/pistol shrimp combo. A couple snails and a hermit or two. Here are some pics of how it looks now waiting for rock!

Here are the pics...Light is actually a bit more blue than the pics show. I think it's comparable to a 14k bulb.




I like the aquaclear mod to make it have the surface skimmer. Good idea.
Whenever its ready I should have some stuff you can come and get. Angela can't get mad if its free!
That intake is cool as hell!! Very nice man!! Now the fishies can watch you do your buisness. :p

Thanks it's working out good so far. Just need to watch the evap. :)

I like the aquaclear mod to make it have the surface skimmer. Good idea.


Woohoo, another nano!

Looks great! Cant wait to see it stocked.

Yep it will be awhile since the rock I'm going with needs to seed and go through a little cycle. Hopefully in a month or so I can add a couple things. I have been following your progress also looks great!
Well I need to update this...

So I doubled the size of my tank! I decided to buy a ADA MINI M! 5.5g! I have it all setup with a very simple scape. Also have the par30 bulb mounted with a wall lamp from IKEA just above the tank. Decided I'm going to go the sps route again so a few nice pieces to place on the rock and lps and maybe a small clam on the bottom. Also just ordered an mp-10 es. I think this is my 3rd or 4th vortech pump now. I'm never going to sell this lol! Tank is cycling now so I'll add a cuc and fish in a month or so. :) Pics to come tonight!
Oh man I'm terrible about updates I apologize...So I let the tank do it's thing for just over a month and it completed it's cycle in about 3 weeks. Algae is gone and the tank is rocking. Just did my first water test last night and here's what I got...

Alk 9dkh
Calcium 420 ppm
PO4 .05
N03 5ppm
PH 8.2

So I decided to pick up a couple corals, a small cleaner crew, chaeto for the fuge, Brightwell ca/alk 2 part and magnesium. Also got a Tunze nano 9002 for skimming duty and mini jet 606. Last week I picked up a couple bulkheads and plumbed in a 2g fuge/sump out of a cereal storage container. It actually works great and I can keep all the equipment seperate from the tank. Also got the Vortech mp10es and it's dialed in on short pulse mode right now. Probably will pick up a couple more corals this week and a yasa hashe goby or tailspot blenny and a blood shrimp. I'll work on pics tonight I promise!
wow. this is really nice. I really love how the rimless look so clean. Those lights are incredible. looking forward to some more pics!
Love the "sump/filter"!! That's sweet as heck!!! :D Very nice man!! Would you like for me to edit your title to Bathroom ADA 5.5g rimless or are you fine with it as it is?? Just let me know if you want it changed. :)
Love the "sump/filter"!! That's sweet as heck!!! :D Very nice man!! Would you like for me to edit your title to Bathroom ADA 5.5g rimless or are you fine with it as it is?? Just let me know if you want it changed. :)

Yes please! That would be awesome! Thanks Krish!
Took out the existing rock for some premium nano rock and created a more natural look. Here's a quick video of my progress. Just a few corals and a baby percula...more will be added in the next couple months. I'll get a better HD video soon. This was taken on my iphone so the quality isn't the greatest...:)

YouTube - Ada mini m reef tank