Since going saltwater back in june I got rid of most of my freshwater to make time for just my reef. There was some stuff I just coudn't part with based on how little money I could get for it and what it was worth to me. This 85g 6 footer is one of them because it works awesome behind my couch.
Gonna stick about 20 damsels in it( previously planned just clowns) and see what happens next! figured with all the escape routes it will be a very active tank. Aquascape isn't finished yet, but gives the basic idea.
85g glass with overflow, 20g sump, mag drive 9.5 return and spray bar, etss reef devil skimmer, bioball chamber to be removed slowly after all fish are happy and tank is stable. home made ato, aquatraders 4x54w ho t-5, and thats about it.
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Oh, and if any one damsel get a little too out of control....the solution is 6 feet away in a 65g tank in the wall.
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Meet Henry ( my wife hand fed him while I was working back to back she gets to name him!)
The solution to any damsel who get out of control.
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Gonna stick about 20 damsels in it( previously planned just clowns) and see what happens next! figured with all the escape routes it will be a very active tank. Aquascape isn't finished yet, but gives the basic idea.
85g glass with overflow, 20g sump, mag drive 9.5 return and spray bar, etss reef devil skimmer, bioball chamber to be removed slowly after all fish are happy and tank is stable. home made ato, aquatraders 4x54w ho t-5, and thats about it.

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Oh, and if any one damsel get a little too out of control....the solution is 6 feet away in a 65g tank in the wall.

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Meet Henry ( my wife hand fed him while I was working back to back she gets to name him!)
The solution to any damsel who get out of control.

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