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I only had a year in that tank, but I also had a year in my 65 that transferred over to my 120...

New house is a 3 bedroom. It was built in the 80's so the rooms are a little small.

It was suggested to the wife that she would not be able to heat the house cause it would screw up the fish tank by one of the guys from the moving company. She freaked and thought she would not be able to heat the house with the fish tank in there. The Mom-in-law was there to over hear that statement, and with an option of being able to use heat without a fish tank, or not have heat and have the fish tank, she obviously chose to heat the house. Why the guy from the moving company even brought that up, it's beyond me. It's only $$$ and time. Just a GIANT step backwards :)

To add fuel to the fire the birth did not go real smoothly for my wife so she is really hurting and having a hard time getting around, so I'm not sure if she would of really been able to pay much mind to the fish.

I hope the person that got my tank will become a member of Reef Frontiers and is able to LEARN enough to keep the fish alive and eventually give them an enviroment they can thrive in.

My top secert plan was to get into an 8ft tank in the next couple of years before my Blonde out grew the 120. Didn't want to go about it like this...

Now I guess the question is, do I want to dabble with some Halides or stick with good ol' glow sticks (T5's) :D

If I had to do over again, I would have gone with T5 instead of MH. The only reason IMO to have MH is if you are going to keep more difficult SPS; the majority of my corals are LPS. I have a catspaw and pocillipora which can do fine under T5. The cost to convert from MH to T5 is not a justifyable expense from my wife's point of no go..

Ill tell you what, I don’t know much about what the different types of bulbs do for coral stuff. If I could do it again I would go with something like you had on the 120. TJL has a very similar (almost identical setup of tank and hood you have) setup and he is growing just about everything under the sun in his tank. you just cant deny the results using VHO lightings. My first thought before I got the fixture I have now was to DIY 6X 6ft VHO’s and after seeing some of the tanks using VHO’s in them I wish I would have done it. The price wasn’t much different ether way. But with that said I do like the shimmer of the MH lighting.
If you have a small bedroom seperated by a wall next to the master bed room.

I vote knock out a that wall, use the spare bedrom as your fish room, inwall your (wall sized) tank there, and buy a few pairs of sunglasses. You know incase you want to sleep in and the lights come on.

I can see no reason why any better half would have problems with this plan of mine, thats probably why I get in so much trouble.
I like that idea too. You can always get some of the electrical tint glass that turns black or mirrored went activated for privacy.

If your wife is like mine she will let you do what ever you want when it comes to stuff like that. Heck I just built into the bedroom wall the theater system for the living room. Its not done yet but still, nothing better then cutting holes in walls you own. There is a sense of freedom when you own your own home to do stuff like that. Paint the walls any color you want and when the kids old enough to operate crayons you wont get so mad when you come home to a picture on the wall.
I'd rather have the in wall system facing the kitchen though. Kitchens never have enough light :D

When I'm home I'm pretty spoiled and usually get to do whatever I want within reason. Just since I've been away, seems like stuff just falls through the cracks.

I would like to have a giant display tank then a room full of tubs for a fuge, a couple of remote DSB's, I like the idea of setting up an automated water changer... <--- Awesome!

Might have to extend the living room AND build a FISH room!!!

I have a automated water change and love it..Will never go back to the old way of dumping buckets.
I change 40g in 10 mins.

Well, I found out where my fish tank went, had some people talk to the guy that was unknowingly involved, and what do you know, word from the grapevine is that I can swing by and grab my system when I get home!!!

I haven't personally talked to the guy, so I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.

But, if it happens to be true, can I get some locals to help me out with the move?
That "if I'm here" line is a cop-out.

You're talking like you're sea duty in the navy :D:D:D

Gotta love the fact you can't make plans next week cause you don't know if you're going to be home or not. :)

Thanks for the offer, I'll look you up when we hit land.
haha well im not sure when you guys are coming back i leave for new orleans on wed wont be back til 28th then after that im going to the boat until the 6th of apr and on may 5th im off to key west for a month!!! lol
Hey Ryan, Great news my friend and welcome almost back home. I take it you were in port for the little wave action from Japan? How is everything ??? When Floyd is done moving/setting-up your tank I'll come up for a visit to check it all out, or give me a call if you would like some experienced help lol

Cheers, Todd
Hahahaha!! Wow, nice shooting Todd!
Ryan, I will be gone the week either side of the first (I think).
I'll let you know for sure as soon as the plan is ironed out.
TJL Todd, your good, I like that.
Ryan, when my wife gets her schedule for that month I’ll let you know for sure but if I can get out of the house you can count me in.
Thanks southern Todd.

Everyone I meant the first WEEKEND of May, not the actual 1st.

Lovin HI, saw a hundred humpback whales.

If anyone has a trigger giving u issues, feed it well then eat it. They r amazing. BTW triggers get big! Yellow ones anyway.

Sent using my Droid X using TapaTalk in O'ahu Hawaii
Well I'm back home now and the jerk off said he changed his mind about giving my tank back... But he offered to sell it back to me for $1500...

Again, thanks for everyone that helped, and to anyone that loaned out equipment, let me know what I owe you since he wants $$$ to give anything back...

Turns out it was the ombudsman that accepted the "gift." Kind of strange since her job is to looks out for the best interest of the service member.

Either way, it looks like it's going to be a few years before I get to get "wet pets" again...

On a brighter note I did just get a puppy!


Chester the mutt