Difference between LOTR, Gobs, AOG, etc Zoa

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thanks I thought pics could clear up the difference better than words
I seem to have all of the following Zoanthids:
1.Lord of the Rings
2.Everlasting Gobstoppers
3.Devils Armor
4.Armor of God
I can tell the clear difference betwee 3&4, but what is the first two.

Is it simply how much green is in the center or is #1 and 2 the same?

My question was the difference between LOTR and Gobstoppers.
I suspect there is none
I really wish I could un-learn what I just learned on urban dictionary. Sometimes life needs a rewind and delete button :eek:
i got a 1 polyp LOTR from a recent trade...he claimed its the REAL LOTR...if only the darn polyp is big then i can tell difference,i received a baby...bad trade:mad:
they are all so similar.....I start wondering if they are just morphs from the same polyp.
myabe Luisse25 hit it on the head.. Maybe the LOTR is a much smaller polyp than the the nthe very large Gobbstoppers