diy denitrater ?

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
i have one that i was using on my old cc system, it had been working for over a month, its set on a 1 drip per sec, my question is it has been out of opperation for 6 days, has the bacteria that feeds on the nitrate, starved to death.... is it safe to put bact into opperation, any thoughts....
Hmmm...Not sure if the bacteria is still alive because I never had one, but personally, I would never use one either. I'd rather rely on my tank to take care of itself naturally with the aid of LR, skimming etc and the help of good husbandry than to rely on a denitrator as I've read that they have to be so precise in their settings to accomplish very little at times. Nevertheless, because I wouldn't use one doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't...It's just my preference...
thats what i have been thinking, when it was in opperation my thank was at 20 on nitrates and 10 coming from the denitrater, whether it was working good or not it was doing something....iam not using so far...
I would "recycle" the dentrator or build a new one. After 6 days of inactivity, you will have quite the foul smelling "output" from the reactor. Instead of having only a certain portion of the tubing being aerobic/anaerobic, after this long without new O2 infused, it will be primarily anaerobic.

Plug the intake/outport, disconnect it completely and take it outside. Fill a 5 gal pail with SW and run the reactor through that to see how bad it's gotten. Try to do this away from windows. :shock:

My guess is it will stink to high heaven but it's not a lost cause. You can recycle the unit by maintaining an ammonia source in that 5 gal pail. Just change the water daily for the first few days to get rid of the stink. It might just be simpler to build a new one but I leave that up to you.

FWIW, 20 ppm going in and 10 ppm coming out means the unit was not working properly to being with. The denitrator should only be "dripped" at a slower rate while it's new and just cycling to build up the bacteria. It should not be kept at such a slow rate permanently. Once the nitrate reading exiting the unit reach's zero, the flow can be increased to a slow stream/trickle. Otherwise the total water volume of the tank is not being turned over fast enough for the unit to have any possitive effect on the nitrate level as a whole.

My guess is that if you never did get a zero reading from the unit, the tubing amount (length) used was not sufficiently long enough or possibley was not constructed to promote de nitrification.

On a side note, you'd have a much better go of it all 'round if you just swapped out the CC for snad (1-1½") or went BB.

thanks steve, thats what i did cc to bb ck out my progress in the cc to bb progress post, so with bb i shouldnt need it at all, if i keep up on everything right....
As long as the flow and equipment are geared towards export and the removal of organics before they become a part of the nitrogen cycle, you will have no worries. A denitrator is not the best solution in the long term anyway. It can be a aid with FO tanks or when on a limited budget but otherwise not the more effective arrangement. You'll be much happier once you get this sorted out I'm sure. :cool:

well i started running fresh ro/di water through my denitrator to see how bad the water was, it was left un used for over 3 weeks, the water has been running through it for about 45mins no bad ordor, could it be that with all the stuff i put in the tank to fight phosphate, that it didnt develop bacteria to start working on the nitrate that i did was running in my cc setup for about 4 weeks also, then i went to bb, and iam not going to use it,
Sounds like it never actually developed the bacteria needed to work properly from the get go. If after that long of inactivity, there should have been a very noticable smell when started up again, at least for a short time anyway.
