DIY Stand Remodel

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Jan 21, 2006
DIY Stand - Built a new one


I'm going to be upgrading to a bigger sump so I need to redo my stand a bit to allow room.

B)Move Supports to be between top and bottom frame instead of beside.

Will this allow enough support on the front? No brace for 4 1/2 feet in front center.

All supports are 2x6's

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Is it possible to do a door on the end of the stand, allowing you to slip in your 55 gal sump, so you can still have a middle support in the front? I'm not sure I would be extreamly comfortable with 125 gallons of water sitting over that large of a gap in the front of the stand.
sounds like that will be my only option from looking at the image again...

One support in the middle should be enough eh?
I would think that would be just fine, yes.

Its also a possibility of installing your sump, THEN installing the center brace. Your sump would be locked in then, but how often would you really want to remove it anyway???
Well I have some space issues but I think a bigger door will help if I need to flush out the tank.

I can't really access my current sump. I have wastes in the bottom of the current sump. But it all makes sense. Maybe moving a new protein skimmer to a sump will help this problem.
I agree with Ed...I think you will be fine as well as I've only used 2x4 and was real sturdy. Good luck with the project and be sure to post some pics:)
Well here is my progress on a new stand. I decided to build a new one and let the old one stay in use for now. It's made out of 2x4's completely. Using Birch as a skin and oak trim for the doors.

I think I'm gonna build this and just polyurethane it without staining. I want a lighter look.

The gaps are 18" on each side and 28" in the center. I doubled up all the 2x4s so there is pressure from the top down to the bottom frame, and pressure from the top of the inside 2x4 to the floor as well. Almost like a 4x4...

The pics start at raw materials and go through my new tablesaw I bought... (shhhh its a secret from my better half). I need to put a second coat of paint on the stand still.

Used fourteen 2x4's at 8 foot each. I have 6 sheets of 3/8 birch plywood. Very smooth and beautiful stuff.

How big of a tank are you putting on the stand. I am building a new cabinet for a 135 and was thinking of using 1x4 and 1x6 rather than 2x4's. I've looked at the stands at the LFS and they are all made with the 1X's.
Its a 125 gallon. My current stand isn't accessible and I can't put a real sump in.. so I'm building a new one. 2x4s seemed like the best choice. Prolly buy a 4 foot fixture for 12 bucks at walmart to hang over the bottom with some chain. Put a flood light or something on my chaeto.
More pics of what I did last hour. All sides and holes for doors done. Two side panels will be hidden. Nothing attached yet.. just checking the fit. I will have some sanding to do but my belt sander will make quick work of edges.

I recently built a stand (125G) a lot like that. Was also thinking of a way to fit the sump in there but i opted to put a center brace in and just push it through one of the sides. Looks like you used a lot more 2x4's than i did though. i have 7 vertical supports, 4 of which are doubled 2x4's and used 5/16" carriage bolts to attach the supports to the top and bottom. it's plenty strong. :) right now it's just the frame because we were moving and needed to get the tank set up with a quickness... will be putting the pretty on it this weekend. good luck with yours!
A bit late for me to chime in but what about putting in sliders lengthwise in the stand so that you could pull out the sump... Easier to work on it ? :)
More Pics.. I have been very busy but I did get the doors done. Just need to find suitable hinges and then poly the thing. Next project is the canopy!

My crooked cutting with jig saw...

Doors in front of stand

Back of a door

Front of same door

Trim of bottom to stand

Trim of top and tank border to stand

Door with trim in place - not attached yet
I bought a lot of that birch ply...5 sheets should be enough for a stand and canopy. I would go back and get regular ply with a sanded side next time. Much cheaper because i think I'd rather paint the stand than stain. Birch is kinda hard to stain even if you pretreat the wood first... that I did not know. You really should use a dye.. then stain... then poly.

Birch Ply - $25 x 5 - $125 If you did regular 1/2 ply - $15 x 5 - $75
2x4s - $2 x 14 -$28

$103 - $153 Pretty good for a stand and canopy

Probably about $150 in trim pieces...

$250 to $300

Oh and thank you for the nice comments.. I just hope I dont get bashed too much for painting it instead of staining. Every stand I see is stained... too much work to me! i did get this really nifty suede type paint that has a grainy feel and look.. kinda light cream and solid black trim. Bring out the trim boards design with the cream on black. I tried using that mahogany stain on a few scrap pieces of birch and oak trim.. the oak looked great but that birch just looked like total crap. The stain was even but it just wouldn't get dark enough for me... almost a yellowish to walnut color with a RED mahogany stain.. hence I needed to use a dye.

I'll keep you guys updated. I want the canopy and stand finished by middle of next week. My dad is coming down.. see if I can get him to help me move the tank to the new stand.
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Few more pictures...

attached the doors and put magnet holders on the inside. also mounted bottom trim. I'm not sure about the top trim yet. I wanted to use a small border over the edge of top ply to hide the plywood layers... and then stand the grooved 3.5" straight up.. I dont know how I'm going to mount it that way. Other way was to just mount the 3.5" flush with the top and throw some other border to get up on the frame of the tank to hide its 'ugliness'.

I also have the side door opening but its sorta 'hidden'.

The middle door is slightly higher.. about an eighth of an inch on one side... not sure if its really worth redrilling holes..

What ideas do you guys have for the top trim?
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