Sure.. I stole the idea from another link.. DIY PVC overflow on 3reef I believe.
They didn't have a surface skimmer is the only difference.
Basically to keep suction between the pipe you need to construct three U shapes. Two for the bottom one for the top. The bottom two.. inside and outside the tank keep the suction when power is lost or flow stops. the top is merely needed to get over the tank wall.
I made three pipes that were 16" tall. One to go down in the tank... one to go outside the tank and one for the vent pipe off the T.
for the surface skimmer I used 4" pvc with a few adapters to get it to 1.25 on the bottom. Put an 11 1/2" tall 1.25" diameter standpipe inside the surface skimmer and a 2" pipe about 4 inches down over that 1.25" diameter pipe for a durso. The T needs to be right above the outer U shape elbows to drain efficiently.
Something I used on the top U shapes that go over the tank wall are air check valves.
BAD IDEA! I just found out they lose suction afer a few minutes and make the overflow fail unless you have a luft pump attached. I am going to seal up those holes and run airline up the overflow into the pipe to prime and leave it there. That is the only problem I've had.
They seem to work very well and failsafe as long as you dont use those check valves AND your pvc glue keeps the airseal between the pipe.
More links: original thread I found it on...
Oh the surface skimmer I just used my table saw and cut down it every 1/3 to 1/2"