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Sometimes you just need to do that.

Hope to see some more of your work when you do decide to finish.
Always admired the quality you put into your projects.
Just step back, do something else for awhile, do the minimal to keep your current tanks going and take a deep different breath for awhile. Take yourself to your happy place.

That is great advice. I plan on doing just that.
I have found a semi-happy place in the Vaping World. for now.
Sometimes you just need to do that.

Hope to see some more of your work when you do decide to finish.
Always admired the quality you put into your projects.

Thanks Marty,
I just dont want to rush thru this build, just to get it done. There are to many wonderful ideas and concepts in it to not pay attention to each one of those important details.
We all hit the wall once in a while some of us more than others:) Like said take a step back.

I have hit them in the past, and as you stated it seams to help tremendously if you just step back. Maybe a month, or 2, maybe longer.........
My last step back was for twelve years maybe that's a fall Sounds like you have a good plan my friend:)
BE WELL:car:
Re-assessing my interests in the hobby.

Thinking and living SW tanks 24-7 for the past 3 years is starting to leave a burnt taste in my mouth.
I am afraid if I dont take a break, this build will suffer.
Need some time to regroup.

Sounds about like what I did and became the president of the PSAS during that time. Instead of taking a break I switched back to FW and was immediately bored. During that time I realized I love keeping a reef tank but need a balance with my many other hobbies and so far its working.

A step back will do wonders.
Hey Dave, You're not alone with the taking a break for a bit. That is what I did and now I am ready to get back in and finish my long drawn out build. *lol* Had to get my head back into the game again. The break from it was great and I did keep the tanks I do have going for the time too. Of course I have come back into the game with yet another quickly built 15 gallon tank. But now on to my class act once again.

Look forward to seeing this build continue when you are ready.

Its a phenomenon isn't it. Lets call it for lack of a better term "Reefers Remorse". Its a crazy hobby that is much like gambling. Obsession, much money involved, high risk and high reward. and with so many different approches that are each succesful, it leaves alot of "what if's" and " woulda-coulda-shoulda's". I suppose the big difference here from gambling or any other addiction is the support group is encouraging rather than discouraging lol.

as I was entering this hobby the main person who helped me along called it "crack" "reef crack" cuz its no different!
Re-assessing my interests in the hobby.

Thinking and living SW tanks 24-7 for the past 3 years is starting to leave a burnt taste in my mouth.
I am afraid if I dont take a break, this build will suffer.
Need some time to regroup.

OK, i went and dug up this thread... its been 3 months or so since you back burnered things. I am sure you know you have a lot of friends on this forum that would drop everything to come and lend you a hand if that's what it is.. I for one miss your build thread.. so the tank you just built and were desiging the corner overflows for and the wierd spider supports for the corner rock caves, that tank is still dry? What can we your reefing buddies do to help you past the hump?
I wished I lived closer, I would love to help. Helping another reefer and learning something in the process would be fun.
OK, i went and dug up this thread... its been 3 months or so since you back burnered things. I am sure you know you have a lot of friends on this forum that would drop everything to come and lend you a hand if that's what it is.. I for one miss your build thread.. so the tank you just built and were desiging the corner overflows for and the wierd spider supports for the corner rock caves, that tank is still dry? What can we your reefing buddies do to help you past the hump?

I kinda wondered when someone would dig this build thread out of the dark forgotten depths of this forum.
No surprise it was you Danny.
An you are right, There are some reefers here that I can count on to pitch in and give me a hand.

Yes it is still dry. Mainly because this time of the year it is a bit chilly in the garage. It is hard to get motivated to go out there and work on it. Seems like all I get done is whipeing the snot off my runnie nose.
As soon as the temp starts to climb out doors I will continue with the build.
It has been kinda nice not having a tank build in my head 24-7.
The time off has made me realize that hobbies such as this one should not consume your every thought day in and day out.

Thanks for the bump Danny
I wished I lived closer, I would love to help. Helping another reefer and learning something in the process would be fun.

We can set a date for a work party in the future.
Not sure you would learn anything other than how easy it is to get someone else do something for you that you really dont know how to do , or have no interest in doing. LOL

Thanks for stopping by Earl.
Hope you and yours had a nice holiday
We can set a date for a work party in the future.
Not sure you would learn anything other than how easy it is to get someone else do something for you that you really dont know how to do , or have no interest in doing. LOL

Thanks for stopping by Earl.
Hope you and yours had a nice holiday

Yeah, that would be fun Peppie. Maybe when the weather gets better in the spring, we can get a few over for an afternoon. I physically have to get better before I partake in any strenuous activities. But my brain has plenty of room in it to learn more.
Yeah, that would be fun Peppie. Maybe when the weather gets better in the spring, we can get a few over for an afternoon. I physically have to get better before I partake in any strenuous activities. But my brain has plenty of room in it to learn more.

I can promise you there will be NO strenuous activity at my place,
i was up at his house today to drop off some acrylic. i can't wait to see this tank up and running. super nice. do have to say you have mad skills with working with wood and acrylic. the wood work on your tank in the house is insane. i really liked you tool box. you should post a picture of that bad boy.
i was up at his house today to drop off some acrylic. i can't wait to see this tank up and running. super nice. do have to say you have mad skills with working with wood and acrylic. the wood work on your tank in the house is insane. i really liked you tool box. you should post a picture of that bad boy.

Thanks for the kind words Chad,
I have posted a few of my woodworking projects here at FR with great praise from many. It is always a great accomplishment when you can create something that is only a vision in your head.

As for the 310 build it is still on hold. When the weather starts getting warmer, I will jump back in.
well keep up the good work. can't wait to see those box's that you are making me. when i get them. i will post pictures of them on my build thread and let everyone see what a great job you did.
Come on man weather is no excuse it was 70 here today I had to put sun block only if we had water to