Does anyone ever shut off their skimmer during the week for a period of time?

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I have a 55 gallon softie tank that was going through some problems with some of the corals not opening up for a while. I tryed and tested for everything and one night I turned my skimmer off for feeding and forgot to turn it back on. The next day my corals were fully opened. I now turn it off for a day every week and I notice every time my corals will respond positively. I feel we somtimes over skim especially for soft corals.
I'm glad you had the balls to shut your skimmer off. Did you notice improved growth in colors? Did you notice improved fish behavior? I notice you said none of your corals lost color, did you notice them growing faster?

Useing cheato like an ATS has been like a gift from the gods for me. I just add food, remove cheato and do nothing else. When I skimmed, I had algae and all the other problems that peoples reefs have. My SPS are all holding brilliant color, and everything grows very rapidly.

I had a long talk with Mike O'brien about this at his house last weekend, and he said that he understands why I dont like skimmers, since all my experience with skimmers was in high flowing situations useing venturi type air inlets. He called this "freight train" skimming, and he said you loose way too many good things, while not takeing the bad things that take much longer to combine with a surfactant to bond with the surface tension of a bubble. He showed me his MONSTER skimmer, easily holding 30-50gal of water volume inside it. He showed me how it just had a little hose for a trickle feed in and out in a cross current fashion. He has about 6 HUGE airstones sitting in the bottom driven by a huge air pump.

He actually has me considdering skimming as a good tool for reefkeeping if its done on perhaps a once a week basis, and just cycles the tanks water volume perhaps one time and then shuts off. I'm estimateing his skimmer turns over the volume of his tank perhaps once a day, but likely only 2-3 times a week. Maybe he will chip in an tell us. :)

That guy is really impressive, and his tank contained the most healthy SPS corals I have ever seen in any tank in my life.
I do have a cpr hob refugium with chaeto so I do have some form of nutrient export when the skimmer is off. I have been experimenting with this on my 55 sometimes leaving it off for a couple days. I am trying to get the courage up to go for a week. I have definatly noticed the corals responding favorably but not to sure about the fish as I throw an airstone in when I The skimmer is off and it kinda freaks them out. I am watching this closley as I am upgrading to a 125 in a few weeks and will be using the same filtration methods.
If the return to your sump is a wild and crazy ride, like many of us have, and circulation is strong in the tank, I dont see low oxygen becomeing a concern. However, I dont have a disolved O2 guage, so I cant be certian. I've just personally observed that when I packed the sumpe with air stones bubbleing it to a froth, nothing at all changed in the display, so I have kinda assumed that O2 level is adquate just from circulation and the splashy ride to the sump.
This was kind of lost in all of the skimmer comments, but what is the theory behind leaving the lights off one day a week?
I suppose everybody's tanks and situations are unique...I run a skimmer and carbon 24/ corals look fine...

I can in no way call myself an expert, but I do have some experience and I have read pages upon pages of information on how other people do it, and the results they acheive. While it is considered to be standard practice to run a skimmer 24/7, there are those out there who have achieved great success without running one at all. Many people will tell you of the drawbacks of running without a skimmer yet there are also advantages as well, you turning off the skimmer in the first place was no doubt a gut feeling, you didn't want to skim off a valuable food source, This sounds entirely logical to me, though I personaly run my skimmer 24/7, I cannot say that I know better than others who do not.
There is a website in which some of the the people involved run without a skimmer at all, ever! The pictures of the tanks that they post speak for themselves, some of these systems are simply stated, unbelievable! Again I am no expert, but I feel that there is no perfect way of doing things. While there are many wrong ways to do things, there are also so many paths to success. The ocean is a vast and enigmatic entity who's mysteries could never be fully understood by any one individual, it is only by pooling together all of our knowledge that we can ever come to fully understand the intracacies that make it all work. Your brave experiment, and carefull observations are just the kind of thing that has brought us this far, and I thank you for them.
Does the water and conditions not crash within the skimmer if left off for x amount of time - smell the water
In attempt to find a middle road I run mine from 10pm to 9am. This way the tank is aerated when it needs it the most. And some of the nutrients are still left behind for the softies. Then again one of my tank, without sump, runs a venturi hob which flows too strong for 24hrs around clock operation. As it has been often said that the variables are just too widespread for any single formula to apply for all situations.
mine is 24/7 and bennifical
heres one for you guys every morning i fine a clear sack like thing in my tank its about a inch long by half inch do not know where its coming from any ideas its as if its a cover or something
Do you have any wrasses?

PD. Probably better if you open a thread for this topic and capture a picture for us.