Does my LED build look right

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Jul 8, 2008
spokane, wa
I'm in the middle of planning my DIY LED light set for the tank I'll be ordering next month. A 24x24x25 60g cube.

Here is what I'm planning so far for my LED lights:
20x10 heatsink from
86 CREE XP-E's w/ 80 deg optics for the most coverage
  • 40 Royal Blue
  • 10 Blue
  • 26 Cool White
  • 10 Cool White connected to a High noon dimmer

For drivers I'm thinking 7 ELN-60-48P drivers so that I can use a DDC-01 PWM Dimming Controller. Does anyone know a better combination that I can use with a decent dimming controller?
Is this too many lights from my tank? All the blue's will be solder-less so I can easily replace them with different colors in the future, the cool whites will be soldered. Lights will be hung about 8" above the water.

I attached my setup plan for anyone to look at. Any suggestions from someone with previous experience?

In my opinion... Way too many LED's for this size of tank. Your tank size is almost exactly 1/3 of our tank. We just built a system over our 72" x 24" x 24" 180 gal tank and used 3 pods of 48 LEDs per pod with the Carlco frosted optics (I believe they are between 30-40* but blend very well because of the frost). We will not be able to turn them up above 30-40% once everything is acclimated. We are currently only at 15% power and on week two of acclimation. Our lights are 6" above the water surface and we have plenty of coverage. I think your color mix is pretty good but would recommend a red and a couple of greens in there as well. I also do not think the high noons are necessary but that is only my opinion based on some experience of others we know, not our own. If you cut it back to the 48 LED's like we used you can go with as few as 2 Meanwell ELN 60-48D drivers. Each driver can power 24 LED's wired in parallel but you will want to use inline fuses and small inline resistors to protect your system. Of course if you want the most flexibility in color adjustment then you can still use the 1 driver per 12 LED's set-up. If you want you can check out our build thread to see what we did. There is a link in our signature below.
Ya, thats kind of what I was thinking. I got a little too trigger happy when I was mapping them out :)

Thanks for the input, Ill modify the plan a bit