Does this anemome have a remote chance?

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Fish Tank Freak
Sep 28, 2006
I woke this morning to find my condy stuck in one of my two CL intakes. Only the foot was shaowing. The anenome opens up to about 8-10 inches and is stuck in a 1 1/4" pipe. The pipe pulls about 2000GPH from a sequence barracuda. Im surpised its not completely shredded. It started to pull itself out a little bit and its foot still seems attached as much as possible. How long do you think I should give it before its a lost cause.

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It may look bad but there is a good chance it will pull through.
I've seen RBTA's with most its tentacles shredded from a powerhead make a full recovery. I'd pull it only if it looks like its dissolving or start to smell.
did you remove it from the intake??? i think it would need to get light and flow on it
did you remove it from the intake??? i think it would need to get light and flow on it
No I didn't. I have been watching it and hoping it could do It on its own for fear of hurting it more. Its sucked into about five of those slots and I cant really get to it without removing the intake from the tank.
Do you think I should intervene immediately or give it until morning?
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I would leave it there till morning and see how it looks. If it has not moved any I would help it. Just make sure you stay on top of your water quality. I think you have a good chance of survival.
Thought I'd give a twelve hour update. My first thought this morning was "how am I going to get that out of the pipe without carving it up into a million pieces". these creatures are so darned tough yet sensetive at the same time. Even If it sdoesnt make it I'm still surprised it could remove itself from the fiasco.
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I had a rose anemone do that one time and he survived. He lost most of his tentacles but they grew back!
Good luck!
Give it some time, it might make it. BTW, that appears to be a Long Tentacle Anemone, M.doreensis, not a Condy.

Your Maroon clown might stress the anemone badly right now....can you remove the clown from the tank? DOing so would give the anemone a better chance at survival.

Well, I would offer to put it in my hospital tank, but after what I did to your xenia, I don't suppose you would let me near your house! :lol:. Actually, at this point I am confident the xenia died from too sudden of a change of light (from your refugium to my 400 watt MH with nowhere to hide).

Okay, on a more serious note... I think you should protect the anemone from pesky clowns, and otherwise leave it alone. If you recall, my carpet just got burnt with a cup full of salt, and it is recovering (thank Goodness) but the clown did seem to bother it after the incident. If you can remove the clown for a while, go for it.
When i was movin my tank to my new house, my anemone looked worse then that, he split and both anem's did improve and are both full health now
maybe I missed it, but did you turn the intake off or take the pipe off the intake so there isn't a constant flow of water sucking it in the pipe? if no, I'd do so.

As far as moving the clown away from it, I'd probably just leave them together. Mom knows best, ya know.. :D

And yes, I think you'll be just fine surviving. It's happened to me several times and usually I come out with more anemone's than went in :D :D :D
You guys are describing typical responses from BTA's regarding stress. This is not a BTA, and Maroon clowns are known for being rough with anemone's. If the clown was a perc/Occellaris/Skunk complex type...I'd say leave it in. If the anemone looks rough, I'd suggest pulling the clown if possible.

something like that happened to me and my long tentacle survived the whole thing.... i wish you luck dood :) .
Unfortunately I cant remove the two clowns. I did turn off the intake that it was stuck in. The anenome has been inflated and still has good color but has quite a bit of damage on the oral disk and its mouth is gaping. Of course its on the move trying to find a good place to recover. It is heading straight for the other intake on the other side of the tank for the same pump . Fortunately for it, I can just throttle the pump down and turn off the intake. A couple of valve adjustment to compensate flow and the SPS dont seem to care much either way. I really dont want to shut down 2000GPH of flow if I dont have to long term though. Stupid anenome.
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Get some eggcrate and zip ties. Make square boxes that allow water through the eggcrate, but keep the anemone from the narrow slits of the intake. This should help if done correctly.

i hear people say take ur clowns out if u have a hurt anenome but my clowns always seem to look at anenomes that have been dameged and gently pull on the tenetcels and look at tghe anenome thinking sumthing like "whats wrong buddy" rather one time i put a screw driver through an anenome and shread it in half throught the foot and part mouth and both recovered and that was in a tank with 4 fluros as ligthing
one time i put a screw driver through an anenome and shread it in half throught the foot and part mouth and both recovered

:lol: :lol: I hope you learned your lesson. Screwdrivers should not be used to move sea anenomes. JK. Im sure I was one of those "what was I thinking" silly accidents :oops:.
I have some egg crate in the garage. I will see if I can find some time to do a little fabricating. Fun Fun..
it was an accident i was trying to break this huge peice of rock so i could move the anenome in to another tank for my maroon clowns i didnt think i was anywhere ner the anenome but i was wrong
yeh i tell ya u only want to do that once