Dosing pump

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The Lionfish is very well trained. he eats nothing but krill. i've try many different food and he just swam away but krill makes him go nuts. he's the first one that get fed in the tank. he leaves everyone alone. Sometimes he shows off his spiky fin when the trigger messes with him
The Lionfish is very well trained. he eats nothing but krill. i've try many different food and he just swam away but krill makes him go nuts. he's the first one that get fed in the tank. he leaves everyone alone. Sometimes he shows off his spiky fin when the trigger messes with him

ok, seriously? a well trained juvinle volitans? There are like gamefish. will eat when not even hungy if you stimulate their predatory response.

the rule of thumb. " if its big enough to fit in the fishes mouth, the fish will eat it". applies to all fish.

people have had to remove fish from other fishes like volitans mouths because the are trying to eat a fish that is too big to eat even.

Here is a cute one...
Well maybe i'm just lucky. I don't know. I have two fishes that small enough for him to swallow. One is a clown fish that never grows. He's tiny. Another one is a damsel. The lionfish never touches any of them.but yea it's a predator. So things like that might happen, who knows? Just hope if they grow up together it will have a smaller chance for this to happen.
Just hope if they grow up together it will have a smaller chance for this to happen.

I'm as guilty as anyone of us at seeing higher intelligence or emotion in my fish.. We all tend to liken their experiences to our own. While they may have flashes of things that resemble these things, they don't have the neuron count to back it up... whether we want them to or not.
That also gets clouded by the temporary successes of others. You will see mountains of posts like this where folks note they are doing things without problems. Not many follow up when the eventual happens.
I'm not going to chide or chastise you for choice in livestock since not only would it not change your mind, it would likely make you NOT post about those choices, as too many folks just 'hide' the fact that they are running against the grain and it makes it impossible to be helpful when/if they do need help. The point of this post is to warn you that in my opinion you should expect problems from those choices, and ask you to consider how quickly things could go from great to gone. If you are good with that, then I'm not going to change your mind.. If you stocked not understanding that, then I would suggest now as a good time to work on rectifying that rather than waiting on what could likely be a crash and totally loss, because it takes very little for our tanks to get pushed over an edge you can't work back out of. You have a beautiful tank, I would hate to see you have problems.
I'm not going to comment further on the livestock thing, other than to say if you do take the time to examine your choices and would like some help trying to work towards something that would look closer to what might allow (IMHO) a better chance at long term success, I'm sure the folks here would be able to help you figure out what that looks like.
Again, I'm not pointing fingers and saying you are wrong, you are obviously doing a lot of things right. Just noting my OPINION that I doubt long term success. And you know what they say about opinions.
Thank you for your opinion. :) no worries, i know what you mean. I'm working on the new 240gal that just got home yesterday, and there will be a process of choosing what i want to keep in the new tank. :)