Double Depth Pros & Cons

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Apr 3, 2010
bonney lake wa
I'm looking for some input on my next build. I would like to build a tank that has two different depths. The deepest part at 32'' and the shallow part at 16''. I have enough acrylic to make it 48'' long and 22'' wide. The deepend being 16'' wide and the shallow end being 32'' long. Is this too deep for T5 lighting? It will have a 40gal sump. The total volume of the tank would be 96gal. Suggestions on ext return pump please and what size return lines. I want to use the BeanAnimal fail safe overflow. Should there be a closed loop for more circulation? I am not keen on the look of power heads.
There are still alot of details to work out before I cut the acrylic. This tank will go up for sale when it is complete. It will also come with a custom cab. Looking for suggestions from the masses. (Two heads are better than one)
peppie when you are saying depthe are you talking about front to back or top to bottom??

Mojo, I think he just worded this line wrong

The deepend being 16'' wide and the shallow end being 32'' long

I think he is talking about depth (top to bottom) because if not, that will be the oddest shaped tank I have ever seen with 16 wide front to back on one end and 32 on the next end :lol:. If that is the case Peppie (you are concerned with the depth of the tank being 16 inches deep on one end and 32 inches deep on the other end like in the picture below which is looking at the tank head on) then I'm not too sure if the T-5's will penetrate to the bottom of the 32 inch deep side. I think you may need more intense lighting on that side depending on what you plan to keep in there :)

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Kirsh you beat me to the punch. That is what I am looking to build. I am sure I am not the first to build a tank like this. I did make a mistake in the length it will be about 53'' long over all. I am alittle worried about the cabinet being so big. I would like the cabinet to be about 18'' to 24'' longer than the tank. That would put it about 6' long and about 6' tall. I will work up a sketch and post it soon. I am leaning towards a MH on the deep end that will hang off the hood that will cover the sallow end. The shallow end would have T5s or leds. still not sure.