Dummy award???

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Scarlet Begonias
RF Premium Member
Feb 8, 2004
Columbia Falls, MT.
Well, I was scraping some coralline in my 80 gallon tonite, and I dropped the **** razorblade into the tank. Needless to say, to find it would require an act of God. Am I gonna have to tear the thing apart? I will definitly do what I gotta do, I just hope I don't have to do it. :mad: :mad: Thanx!!
Ooohh, not fun. Maybe you could try using a small magnet tied to a rod or stick and "feel" around for it. Better than sticking your hand there looking for it!

Good luck.
Wait till lights out, really bright flashlight, and a mirror for areas you have a hard time seeing and like they said, a magnet from a auto parts store. You will find it. Or its a really good excuse to reaquascape the tank. Sorry it happened Charlie.
Eeek! Charlie - I still think I'm the winner of the dummy award for flooding my house while we were away (& not even tank related). Let us know how the hunt goes and watch your fingers.....I think the magnet and flashlight are both good ideas.
Well, a good cup of coffee, a little patience, and a good dog. wait a minute, sounds like a lassie movie. Move over doctor, I'm goin in :eek: :eek: :eek: . Ya know it would help if I had seen the **** thing!!!!! I'll let you know how things turn out. This could be another episode of as the stomach turns!!!!

Later, thanx for the advice :oops:

I think I could beat that easily Charlie. As long as the blade doesn't hit air it shouldn't rust. Use your algae magnet & run it across the bottom from underneath in the sump area if you can. Otherwise put on gloves and pass that magnet slowly across the inside. I lost a blade a few weeks ago in the grass, it was almost dark, I had this huge speaker magnet within minutes it sucked it up. Oh yea, don't miss the race of that either, Jr. is coming back:D
Scooterman said:
only two as far as I know! :rolleyes:

Well it's been a pleasure knowing you all. All I can hope for is maybe a tree will fall on me instead of a lightning strike. I have exceeded my limit by about 2000!!!!! :eek: :eek:
Patience my ***.
After speaking with a couple of you thru the PM mode, I am pretty sure that I will be OK. I have a fuge that will be glad to see the extra iron that may be created, but as Scooter says, if it don't hit air, it won't rust. I am going to take that theory and run with it. Thank you all so much, and if I'm still around tomorrow due to lack of lightning :D :D , so be it. I will keep this updated to let you all know what's going on, just in case the dummy monster hits you too.

Im sure everyone means well with the suggestions on how to find that razor blade however (comma) none of those will really work. ;) I've found through personal experience that the easiest way to find things like that is 1-forget all about dropping it in there. 2-start to look for something else by blindly feeling around. 3-you'll find it almost instantly 4-have bandages, sutures, and a phone handy with 911 on speed dial........works for me everytime.
Hey Charlie,
Just thinkin. If the blade was stainless then a magnet won't work. Unless maybe you had it in a steel holder. Good luck finding it.
charlie said:
but as Scooter says, if it don't hit air, it won't rust.

I'm skeptical of that one Charlie- Rust is from reacting with Oxygen, and there is certainly oxygen in the water…

yea I imaging we do pump in lots of oxygen from our skimmers, my statement was meant if the water was void of it.
I would imagine it would rust pretty quick. All of the pumps and other electrical devices we have in our tanks create a magnetic field which will speed the process up.

Certain types of stainless is magnetic. I can't remember which kind now but I've machined it before in areospace. Most of the cheap stainless knives have very little stainless in them anyways and will rust. I would imagine this would be the same for stainless razors.
Well razor's are not made of stainless :D I am sure that thing will rust in there, but shouldn't be too big of a deal. I would probably not tear the whole system down. In the future use blades that have a hole in them and tie them to a finger or something :lol:
I went to the garage, I got a razor blade and my magnetic pick up tool. The tool grabbed the razor right quick and held on tight. If all else fails, maybe silicone a magnet to a string and dip it down thru the live rock you will feel it when it hits the blade. Can you see up from under your tank with a flash light? Or maybe get over the tank with a ladder and look straight down with a flash light. I used to be a mechanic, when I first got out of the navy, and lost stuff in a engine compartment is a PITA as well. Hope you find it Charlie. If not tell Willis that if he points it out, he gets a hamburger. LOL Steve
wrightme43 said:
I went to the garage, I got a razor blade and my magnetic pick up tool. The tool grabbed the razor right quick and held on tight. If all else fails, maybe silicone a magnet to a string and dip it down thru the live rock you will feel it when it hits the blade. Can you see up from under your tank with a flash light? Or maybe get over the tank with a ladder and look straight down with a flash light. I used to be a mechanic, when I first got out of the navy, and lost stuff in a engine compartment is a PITA as well. Hope you find it Charlie. If not tell Willis that if he points it out, he gets a hamburger. LOL Steve

Willis ate the darn burger, went outside, and I ain't seen him since. Worthless mutt!! :D
It is like looking for a needle in a haystack folks. I am gonna keep a close eye on things for the next few weeks. I spent 3 hours up to my armpits in that 80 yesterday, and all I got accmplished was I found a better spot for my Fox Coral. Oh well, you win a few and you lose a few. Steve, I can't look up from the bottom, and I already tried the top down theory with my viewbox. It will show up sometime, probably when I upgrade!! :D :D
Guess what I found, or I should say, guess what Lorie found. Just as I was ready to leave for bowling last nite, there it was, right within grabbing distance, my little razor blade scraper. I think I'll try to figure something else out for scraping coralline!!!! :D :D