you are right in that they arn't truely endemic, they are found outside of australian waters....yet you collect them from gbr.....i'm assuming you use the same abbreviation the we do gbr=great barrier reef. soooo therefore you can go and collect them w/o the several hundered dollar plane ticket. i mean can't understand why we pay sooo much for corals??? anything we get from other areas of the world have to be......what do you call it..........oh yeah.....shipped, by plane or container ship. which last i checked cost money. i'm not sure about australia but i'm assuming that things you have to import cost a bit more then items you can go and harvest/produce domestically. thats like me raggin' on you because you have to pay $150 for a i love seattle t-shirt when i can go and get one for $15-20. i would be curious to know how much you guys have to pay for queen, french and passer angels, blue spot and pearly jawfish.that would be a pretty fair comparison, seeing as how the carribean and sea of cortez would be analogous to the gbr, i'm thinking you probably pay more then we do..............................