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DUNCAN Frags!!!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I don't know what some of you are talking about for the high prices of Duncan Frags. $20 is an extremely competitive price for these frags in fact it is a GREAT price for RETAIL!!! You all are just used to people trading and selling stuff so cheap to one another to try to get money for this expensive hobby and seem to forget that unfortunately as a business I need to TRY and make a PROFIT!! For some reason everyone thinks this industry is such a lucrative business but fails to realize the business aspect of this, overhead, employees, utilities, losses, competition, internet etc. It has been a while but I don't recall seeing anyone that owns a LFS on the Fortune 500.
Please, with all due respect, keep comments about prices being high out of my forum. From research on several sites that sell coral frags $20 per polyp is very reasonable most sites don't even offer Duncan Frags and ORA was selling them for $25-30 Wholesale.


This site has them from $25-$80 per polyp
im sorry if i offend poeple i had no intention to do so just curious about pricing
im in the proccess of applying for a aquaculter licencs and then will be setting up a small bussiness and selling cultivate corals back to my lfs i hope to make a profit i hope your making a profit i understand that u have to pay to have things shipped i have to pay extra money for gbr corals to and probly pay for some shipping on my w.a. corals
i had just assumed that because i see duncan coral quiet often i had thought it was fairly common
i had forgotten you can not collect off usa (but after seeing a few docos on florida dont look like theres much left there) i understand you have to ship stuff you guys can get coral from any reef in the world (not counting red sea) but i cant australia does not allow anything it to the country that is not native unless its going in a zoo the only thing u can get past customes is fish as far as i know 1 person in australia has a permit to ship corals out of australia 1 so i can uinderstand if these are australia based coral cause that licnecs would not be cheap
polydactyl i feel like your attacking the things i am saying i dont know if u are sticking up for sierra or if i am upsetting u buy saying i dont pay much for coral and forgetting about the big pictuer like how my coral gets from the ocean to my tank, i saw a french angle for 45 bucks other week will double check for you
herefishyfishy have never seen a sockeye for sale at a shop why would i buy one of those when u can get pink snappers or gummy shark
jim hart: a 18can pack of pepsi is 8 dollars i guess works out to about 6.40 with exchange rate at 1AU buys 80cents US

siera im sorry if i did ofend you u are obviously the cheapst place around u have to understand i have never paid per poylp for an lps coral and i dont have the oppurtionity to frag swap at all so all my coral is bought
so i went to the fish shop to day and am upset i didnt take my camera cause there was more coral there then i have ever seen at my lfs and there was some good stuff i found lots of duncan corals and and a baby cataphyllia with purple tips truely awsome find (for me) they had large one with puple tips but to big for my tank they did have one with 3 differnt coloured tips that was cool but i bought a duncan coral cause they are nice and i didnt have one and i do have an lps dominated reef so thought why not that would be good
this pic is just taken been in the tank 20 minutes or so polyops arent open but were at the lfs theres 6 polyps will take more pics tomorrow
fyi this cost me 16.50
Morgan, I know you meant no offense, it is simply that most life is vastly cheaper at the source, than thousands of miles away.

As one who has eaten fish all over the world and served fish to people from all over the world, you would be amazed how a properly prepared fresh caught sockeye salmon tastes. This doesn't mean you need to pay $20 US a pound to get fresh caught copper river sockeye air freighted to you, but that is what you would end up paying. One can get the same in Canada for a couple bucks a pound. Economics, supply and demand dictates pricing. Blue Sierra has good pricing for this locale.
okay now i'm confused.............why the heck are french angels cheaper in australia then here....................well i guess if he is tiny that would be about the right price........hmmmmm i'm begining to think the wholesalers NOT the retailers are really rippin' us off. i agree that here in the atates $20 a head for duncans isnt bad at all. and morgan i was attacking you a little.............but thats the joy of typing......you dont know if someone is being sarcastic or joking.......or serious for that matter. i assume that you understand where we are coming from.................
Morgan, you are so lucky. Over here that piece would be a steal at that price. I can tell you, we couldn't get that wholesale at that price, and that's even BEFORE shipping, frieght, box charges, etc. What is that, 7 polyps? for 16.50? So unfair...*sob* I think you should send us some of that good stuff you got over there...... :)
As one who has eaten fish all over the world and served fish to people from all over the world, you would be amazed how a properly prepared fresh caught sockeye salmon tastes.

Don't believe him! Washingtonians' taste buds have been tainted by years of salmon flesh fed to them as children. Hehe. Ok, so I don't like *any* fish...guess that comes from growing up landlocked. ;)
heres antoher pic
yeh theres 7 head
and if anyone wants to help me fund a licnecs to ship to the states ill look after every one i figuer its only about 500,000 dollars lol

poly mate i know excatly where your cumming from i dont know about the fish my lfs owner is pretty connected in the collection side of things the french angle was about 4-5 inchs
Glad to hear your duncan frags are well, both of you. Feed them well, they are little pigs, the more you feed the faster they produce more heads. Definitely turned out to be one of my favorites.
