Elections Coming

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Please make sure you have discussed it thoroughly with the person you are nominating that they have time to devote to the position. It is also important to make sure the positoin is something they are interested in. The board has already went through people being nominated who really didnt want to be and didn't have the time. THen the duties end up falling on one or two people and that doesn't work.

i would like to run for v.p.
i have very much enjoyed serving on the b.o.d. of p.s.a.s., and i have several ideas that i would like to employ to further the success it has enjoyed.
some of those ideas include;(but are not limited to)

including a raffle of nice equipment to every monthly meeting, and having a give away of a smaller item for every meeting. we have much better draw of members and new members at these meetings.

optimizing our website so that we may offer potential and current sponsors more advertising, and increase the exposure of club to local potential members. possibly even have our own forum where we can meet(not that i dont love meeting here:) )

setting up small fund raising events so that we may support important reef saving causes, i'd like to see us give something back to the natural reefs on which we rely. i feel that should become one of the main themes of our club, like the propagation of corals.

setting up a monthly group buy of different items like; salt, carbon, salifert test kits, etc, etc... we could do something new each month.

i would also like to nominate colleen for president of the club, she has more experience than any of us at planning events, guarding our money, and looking out for the general well being of the club, so i feel that she would make the perfect president!

also, i spoke with dang, and unfortunately he doesnt have the time to take on a b.o.d. position, he was one of the first people i approched, mabye someone else can work on him for us!!:)
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i really your goal very much,,i am still supporting the club any chance i get even i'm not on b.o.d,just don't think i have enough time to do the good job,,this is the most fun place to be ever experienced with,,keep on going you guy ,,thanks mark
Collean,,i also like to nominate you as the press.
best ,dang
skimerwhisperer said:
i would like to run for v.p.
i have very much enjoyed serving on the b.o.d. of p.s.a.s., and i have several ideas that i would like to employ to further the success it has enjoyed.
some of those ideas include;(but are not limited to)

including a raffle of nice equipment to every monthly meeting, and having a give away of a smaller item for every meeting. we have much better draw of members and new members at these meetings.

optimizing our website so that we may offer potential and current sponsors more advertising, and increase the exposure of club to local potential members. possibly even have our own forum where we can meet(not that i dont love meeting here:) )

setting up small fund raising events so that we may support important reef saving causes, i'd like to see us give something back to the natural reefs on which we rely. i feel that should become one of the main themes of our club, like the propagation of corals.

setting up a monthly group buy of different items like; salt, carbon, salifert test kits, etc, etc... we could do something new each month.

i would also like to nominate colleen for president of the club, she has more experience than any of us at planning events, guarding our money, and looking out for the general well being of the club, so i feel that she would make the perfect president!

also, i spoke with dang, and unfortunately he doesnt have the time to take on a b.o.d. position, he was one of the first people i approched, mabye someone else can work on him for us!!:)
Thanks for the Fun, but please do not leave...

I want to say thanks to people that are on the board now. They brought in some good guest speakers. They put together some nice tank tours. Thanks for educating people like me in this hobby! I do not want you to leave.
You guys Rock!
Thanks for asking that question Elmo, I'm sure a lot of people wonder about that. The current Board has discussed that issue in great detail. I'll tell you my personal feelings about it.

First off, I feel Mark and Cy are both professional enough to seperate their dealings with their businesses and the club runnings. I plan to stay very involved with the club and if things come up the board will address them together as a team. (at least that's my vision).

Second, I also feel it can only help the club, they both have a world of knowledge about reefing from every aspect. Mark has some great ideas as he expressed above and I think it would benefit the club to put some of them to action.

More importantly, where are all the other members stepping up saying hey I'm interested in helping run the club? Not only have we posted about it, Reed discusses it at every meeting and I've talked to quite a few people. I understand everyone is busy and it does take quite a bit of time to pull off a nicely organized event. So far I only know of Mark, Cy and myself who are interested. So if you take away the business people who are willing to help out on a personal, nonbusiness level, who's left? That is not going to work!

Again, if anyone is interested, please step forward as help we need all we can get. On a side note, I heard from Ed Hahn last night and he is interested in running for a position on the board. He is very interested in finding speakers to bring in and has great energy as we all know.

One last thing, if anyone has concerns please contact Reed, Alice or any board member so we can discuss it. I value the membership's input and I think we need more of it. I will ask it be done via PM.

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I would be interested in running for Vice President. I have enjoyed the guest speakers that have been provided. The vast knowlege that has been shared by experts. I am not sure I can do as good of Job as previous board. I will put my best foot forward.
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Having folks in the "fish Biz" is normally kind of a taboo thing. If they dont seperate biz from pleasure it can be comprimising. In saying that I think the two folks that I think Cy is professional enough to be able to keep that seperate (that and he doesnt own any biz) . Mark has proven himself this last year as having just the clubs benefit in mind only. that and thats why we have elections every year right??
Ed if your up to it I will gladly second your nomination as your energy is priceless when it comes to this. The meetings in the tircities you helped pulled off were some of the best I have ever been to. We would be lucky to hae some like that.

id like to chime in and say that we would be luck to have someone as energetic and dedicated as ed hahn on our bod I third the nomination
You cant go wrong!

Wow such a great guy and a good friend Ed I wish ya luck and Think your a great asset to The Midcolumbia Club.. I only hope you have more fun please pass on the learning! :) Jeff

Ed Hahn said:
I would be interested in running for Vice President. I have enjoyed the guest speakers that have been provided. The vast knowlege that has been shared by experts. I am not sure I can do as good of Job as previous board. I will put my best foot forward.
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I missed the Ed thing, nor do I think more nominations for him are needed, but I think Ed is exactly the kind of person who is a best for for the board!

I'll wear a "Vote for Ed in 2006" sticker to the next meeting, if I can actually find the time I'm in town to make it to another this season. =)


Yes we will all be happy to have Ed.

There is enough work and positions for everyone. Everyone mentioned here has a ton of knowledge and some wonderful ideas to put into action. I'm sure the club will have another great year.
I'm glad the topic of "people in the biz" being on the board was brought up. When I was approached about being on the BOD I asked about the perceived conflict of interest and whether or not the club would approve. The issue was discussed at length and my concerns were put to rest. Mike is accurate in stating that I have no ownership in the store. I do not stand to gain anything from the store by doing this either. I truly just want to experience this hobby from a different angle. My interests can, and will, remain seperated and I am sure that my experiences within the industry will bring fresh ideas to the club. If there are ever concerns over anything regarding this issue I would appreciate them being brought to my attention.
What else people are missing is that if you take Cy and Mark away from the election equation, that left myself as the only person interested until yesterday when Ed decided he was indeed interested. Now how does everyone think that would have worked out? I personally have PM'd and/or talked to at least six people and everyone has very busy lives and busy jobs and does not have the time. So, again, I'm very grateful for their help. Mark has wonderful ideas that we need to work with.
Mark and Colleen have worked very hard this year for you, folks. I have not had nearly the time I had hoped this season and Reed too, was often very busy so Mark and Colleen were the backbone of the club this year.

Ed, I know you'll bring lots of energy, enthusiasm - and your camera! ;) - to the club this year.

I'll be volunteering to help out at an event or two next season, but the club needs the members to step up and lend a hand. If at all possible, please make the commitment to serve on the BOD. All of you have made connections and friendships, gained knowlege that is vital to your success in the hobby and traded some awesome frags from this club - now it's time to step up and give some back. :)
Thank you Alice and I've enjoyed nearly every minute of it... :) There is definately enough room for everyone and what we need is all their ideas to have another fun year!