Special Election of President of PSAS

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Hey all,

Having worked with Reed and Mark for a long time, when Mark had the time and worked with the board, we always tried to come to agreements together, and Mark was full of great ideas. I was sad to see him go last time, as you all know he has tons of ideas. He also is savvy to the business side of things. It's not all fun and games trying to lead the club, and figuring out what the members want. He also has the club background and history, and in my opinion that is worth a lot. It is fabulous that so many people are interested in working the board now. I, first hand, can say that wasn't always the case!

I think Mark is the next natural club president, given his past club work and knowledge base.

You go Mark!

I have been gone all day and missed the action but see the end result.
Nomercymike is one of the most generous selfless caring people I have ever had the honor of calling friend.

Somebodys got some splainin to do......
well, at this point , all i really want to say is that if im elected, i'll do my very best to ensure that the members are entertained and educated at every meeting.:idea:
as has been recently made apperant, it is obvious that as a human being, it is impossible for me to please everyone:shock:. but, i will certainly try my best to be certain:)
colleen, reed, ed, and myself back in the day, put together some of the most memorable meetings, bbq's, raffles that psas has ever seen. and ed just reminded me how much fun we used to have working against adversity making cool meetings a reality. it was easy after people like mike obrien, chuck fitterman, paul hamby, (and tons more worth mentioning) had worked so hard and laid such solid foundations for this club. this website was even born out of the wisdom of past BOD members for psas, and has grown into an internationally renowned reefing site. so yes, this club has a rich history that i think is important to maintain our current standards to, even as we change to stay fluid with the future. thanks again to everyone who has publicly and privately shown me their support!!!
First of all, I am very happy to say that Mark has stood up for the presidency. We definitely want all our PSAS members to stand up since it is our club and we need to own it from attending meetings to giving a helping hand to the club to leading it in the time of need.

I would also want to add that, in my personal opinion, title does not matter as a person who wants to make the positive impact on the club can definitely do so without having a title. We've had many examples among ourselves for this by people who decide to support the club by showing to the meeting. After all, attending meetings by itself is a feat (with time commitment and commute) and my applaud goes to folks who make time out of their schedule to make PSAS a priority in their life. Without them, there won't be a lot of meetings or happening events and there won't be any work for the club.

Now, I want to state my points as to why I should be elected a president as I did nominate myself in the first place when the club needed a candidate.

I joined the club last summer in the BBQ meeting when I was looking for opportunities for my personal career goals. As such, I thought joining PSAS would be a good idea since I am actively involved in the hobby. I had some ideas that I presented to Randy and Steven and I will share also share them with you shortly below. I am glad Randy, Steven and Ed gave me the opportunity to be the event coordinator for 2008-09 committee and I met our wonderful current BOD (Bob, Duane (Trido), Vicki, Kris, Ed) who taught me a lot about the workings of the club in the shortest possible time. However, I, along with other BOD, also realized that our club has not taken the basic steps to evolve into the club that we ought to be. For example, we did not sign-up as a non-profit organization, we did not have constitutions/by-laws or we did we not had standard policies to contact our sponsors or members. I am sure there must be good reasons behind all of them but I think the time has come where we take the right steps for our club to move it forward. As such, we need to do the following
1. Make our club non-profit and buy insurance for the club so that members can stand up freely for BOD not worrying about legal issues

2. File for 501 C (3) petition so that we can actually take donations from folks and give them receipts for tax-write-off

3. Broaden our scope to cover entire Puget Sound as our name suggests

4. Create our constitution and by-laws so we know how to run club business

5. Create the right policies for our sponsors so they feel we're not taking donations away from them but also providing some benefits to them

6. Create the right kind of policies for our members so that they know what the next events are, how BOD will contact them and what the responsibilities of our members are

7. Create the online world for our members where sponsors can reach our members through us and we can track our members.

We can definitely do all of the above and plus keep on doing the fun and interesting stuff for our members that includes speaker events, BBQ, raffle. As such, our current BOD is working with great passion to achieve the above mentioned things and I am actively involved in most of these activities.

I know I am new to this community and do not know a lot of members personally. But I am making my way with them and also using my rapport with our sponsors who're angry with our club and wanted to leave PSAS this year (Saltwater city is one example of such club) as well as building relationship with other sponsors in my area. And I have told our BOD to pick up one store that they go and continue to build positive relationship with them.
To add to my experience, I am an active board member of ARCL (American Recreation Cricket League) and also a representative of Diversity Advisory Council in Microsoft. These experiences will also help me in running PSAS along with the support of current BOD who have supported me in every way from the beginning.

All said and done, I thought about it long and hard before making this decision i.e. I am ready to make the commitment to be the president.

I know polls will happen and only one of us will win. I assure you that my commitment to my club will not go way regardless of the results of the poll.

Great posting Ghazni!

I will support you with my personal vote as a paid member of PSAS. I know you can and will provide a clear future for our hobby and the club
:) :) great ideas ghazni...
i know they're great because they are the identical ideas (minus the insurance, that's yucky...:) ) that i proposed to the BOD about 4 years ago. ;) ...as i'm sure reed, colleen, and others from that time will remember. :idea:
and ironically enough, after serving on the BOD for 2 years, working at the major local reef shops for the last several years, and watching the finances of even large corporations currently, i think it is a foolish thing to mandate that we make ourselves solely a non-profit organization, only able to ask for hand outs, making the responsibility even greater on our sponsors, who as you mentioned, are already feeling like they give to us but receive nothing in return. i think we should, if anything, lighten the load on our sponsors.
i propose that, like a child, psas needs to grow up. :)
considering the amount of tracking, paperwork, and general red tape involved with not-for-profit status, i know for a fact from personal experience that it is just as easy (or difficult ) to be an LLC and report quarterly sales tax.
so that is exactly what i propose.
i think psas can sell aquaria-related items of great need to its members (and all markets beyond, if we wish) at a discount, and retain the profit for the club to use for monthly meetings, speakers, raffles, etc.
this could be as simple as having a singular discounted item, like, say, IO salt buckets, test kits, frozen food, or basically any periodical everyone consumes regularly, at each meeting for sale/pick up. or even upgrading the website with a shopping cart and selling on the internet, if we choose such complexity, after making profit for awhile. it could be as easy or difficult as we want it...
also, the other thing: i think that psas really needs to "go green", especially considering our particular niche being reefing, which directly affects the environment. we need to take a percentage of our profit and put it where our mouths are by donating back to reef saving/environmental reconstruction, preservation, etc...
we need to mandate that the club itself and its members are dedicated to making the impact on the reefs and environment as minimal as possible with our hobby practices, methodology, etc.
i think an idea that could be a big part of that would be:
"the northwest coral growers coalition" :) :)
basically, the club starts by purchasing and soliciting donations from its members for used and/or new equpiment, enough to set up a medium sized reef to grow coral, like a 150-180g. then find volunteers to donate time to maintaining said reef, i.e. location, waterchanges, etc...(ME!!! I'm glad to do it, or anyone else who wishes :) )
then instead of taking your grow out coral frags to stores, who are only willing to give you like $15-20 per full-sized coral, if that, members can take there corals to the N.C.G.C. tank, where, when sold, the profit will be shared with them 50/50; the farmers will in a sense then be partners. A co-op! and if farmers choose, they could just donate the profits from the corals they bring directly to the club. again, it could be as easy as having one day a week where members/farmers stop by the ncgc tank to drop off & pick up, or as complex as a website storefront with shipping.

let me also mention to folks that both of the barrage of ideas we have sounds great, but a reality of this election is that we are coming into the year almost half over...at this point i almost think all of this just makes good planning for next year, and that the new president should just concentrate on following the course for the rest of this year and planning ahead to the big bbq raffle for summer, so that we have a massive stock pile of sweet goodies to raffle off like in times past bbq's...

but, it is the president's job to offer motivation, direction, and inspiration. and i just wanted to share a few of my many good ideas:)
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Interesting ideas Mark. I would just like to point out that the year is just beginning. The beginning of the membership year is September. The election of the current BOD occurred in June, so we have only just begun!

Mark, I like your ideas but I think the club should not go into the business of selling products as a LLC. We've our LFS that we also openly support and doing so will mean taking business away from them and also make the running of the club much more difficult.

For e.g., it's easy to say we can manage a LLC but the reality is that most of us volunteer for PSAS and will not have the ability of managing a quaterly earning reports and yearly taxes. Furthermore, we need to think about not only what we can do currently, but also how will the club run if we leave. We should not leave the legacy of club being a profit org specially since BOD get elected on yearly basis (from volunteers) and we may not have expert treasurer who can do book keeping and file taxes and keep up with IRS year after year (and not doing so is a big liablity for BOD which will impede people from stepping up).

We should not mandate club members to be "green". We should teach them and let them make their own decision.

Your coral farm is a great idea and it can easily be founded or propagated under the non-profit umbrella.
What would be the tax and filing responsibilities of a 503c be, would it be significantly less complex/difficult than an LLC?

It would helpful if a brief summary of the pros/cons of 503b vs LLC could be posted on this thread...flexibility, overhead, relationship w/sponsors, etc. could be sub-headings.
Good question. A small explanation of the difference is given below


A limited liability company (abbreviated L.L.C. or LLC) in the law of the vast majority of the United States is a legal form of business company offering limited liability to its owners. Often incorrectly called a "limited liability corporation" (instead of company), it is a hybrid business entity having characteristics of both a corporation and a partnership. It is often more flexible, the owners have limited liability for the actions and debts of the company, and it is suitable for smaller companies with a single owner. The primary corporate characteristic is limited liability while the primary partnership characteristic is the availability of pass-through income taxation.

501 c (3)

Section 501(c)(3) is a tax law provision granting exemption from the federal income tax to non-profit organizations. This exemption does not cover other federal taxes such as employment taxes.

501(c)(3) exemptions apply to corporations, and any community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes, or to foster national or international amateur sports competition, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.

More can be read on 501 c 3 @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/501(c)#501.28c.29.283.29 and LLC @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_liability_company
To follow up more on tax filing and paperwork


Must a partnership or corporation file a tax form even though it had no income for the year?

A domestic partnership must file an income tax form unless it neither receives gross income nor pays or incurs any amount treated as a deduction or credit for federal tax purposes.

501 c (3)

Tax-exempt organizations that have annual gross receipts not normally in excess of $25,000 are not required to file the annual information return, but may be required to file an annual electronic notice (e-Postcard) Form 990-N.
What would be the tax and filing responsibilities of a 503c be, would it be significantly less complex/difficult than an LLC?

It would helpful if a brief summary of the pros/cons of 503b vs LLC could be posted on this thread...flexibility, overhead, relationship w/sponsors, etc. could be sub-headings.

The quick and easy answer is that the 503c (non-profit) allows the club to operate as a non-profit and provide receipts to donors so they can write off the donation for tax purposes. There are other benefits, but that is the single benefit that we were looking at when we last looked at it. I see the merits of Mark's proposal in going the LLC route, but I think this has some significant downfalls (one has been pointed out....what happens when the next BOD doesn't feel like or is not qualified to report earnings?). There is nothing to stop the club from buying in bulk and taking a cut to run the club under either scenerario. The non-profit status just says that we need to break even. This has been the goal of the club for a long time and I personally think it should remain the goal. But I am just one person and I am not currently volunteering to run the club so I have a limited voice in this. As long as the club maintains a good set of meetings and is conscious of the liabilities for either option I think we will be fine.
So there has been some drama behind the scenes that we were pulled into and I want to publicly say that Barrier Reef supports both nominations. The club will benefit from all the enthusiasm the new BOD has and both nominations bring a lot to the table.

That said, the idea of the club becoming an LLC and buying and selling consumables on a regular basis or through a website is disturbing. Should this happen, would the PSAS really expect sponsor stores to make donations and sell memberships to support an organization that would then be taking away business? The stores are your frontline for new members. I can tell you that the idea of selling a membership to a new reefer, knowing that they would then have access to discounted merchandise through the club, does not appeal to us. If you want to generate extra revenue use the month's meeting sponsor store to organize a discounted group buy and skim a little for the club. Pun intended:) There's all kinds of ways to fundraise without taking away from the sponsor stores.
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Cy, it is refreshing to see board members and nominees come up with exciting new ideas. Not all are practical nor desirable, but there are no bad ideas.

On this particular concept, I have to agree with Ghanzi, that it is highly impractical and contrary to what should be one of the group's purposes, supporting the local stores. I'm not a board member. just a single voter; but feel there isn't anything here to worry about. Even group purchases of which I have too much experience, is well beyond what should be part of the charter, due to potential exposure which would require insurance (heaven forbid)

Keep up the good work guys, I love all the ideas. Many will get fleshed out and add to the reef keeping experience we all enjoy.

PSAS and BarrierReef Rocks!
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