Electrocuting Mojanos

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I think tungston would also corrode. The graphite seems to last forever as I have not noticed any degradregation

Been following along and I love the tool! Will build one myself some day. I have to tease you a bit here though as you say in last post the carbon tip will last 'forever' but your previous post says you need to make it replaceable. I suppose 'forever' is relative?
hey paul, if your selling a unit, i'll buy. let me know. im tired of these majanos.

I am not allowed to sell anything on here.

but your previous post says you need to make it replaceable. I suppose 'forever' is relative?

Yes it is relative, it will last relitively forever. If I just use it on my tank, it will last forever but if I lend it out fifty times it may wear out. I have not seen any wear on it yet.
I am hoping it lasts a very long time because to make it replaceable is a much harder thing to design. The graphite is tightly wound in a stainless steel spring but that entire mechanism is encased in a waterproof sealant. If the water contacted the stainless on that electrode it would corrode in minutes. I figured out how to make it replaceable but the device is a little more complicated to build. If I had to build one for commercial use like in a public aquarium, I would go with a large, replaceable electrode.
I have the materials to build 4 or 5 more and if I get some time I will.
(It is geting into boating season so that will take up the majority of the daylight hours)
Hey Paul,
what kind of power source specs are you finding work best? I have plenty of the wall warts (like everyone else I think) but I'd rather just use your experience to size it than to experiment.
12 volts dc 1.25 amps is what it reads on one of them and the other one is 350 miliamps. They both work fine and I doubt that thing is putting out anywhere near 1.25 amps. I think it's a mistake.
hey paul, if your selling a unit, i'll buy. let me know. im tired of these majanos.

Yeah, put me on the list too, unless you feel like sharing the details of the build! I would love to build it but I don't want to mess around since you seem to have worked out the bugs and have a solid unit!
unless you feel like sharing the details of the build!
I don't have a problem with that, just a time problem. The thing is simple. The transformer which puts out 12Volts DC has two wires coming from it. The negative one goes to a stainless steel needle at the tip and the other wire goes to a hand held, momentary contact switch and from the switch, goes to a piece of graphite that is near the needle. Seal the thing with Goop glue.
Thats it. It will work in any configuration you can think of towork or look at the picture I posted.
If I had to build these one at a time, I would have to sell them for about $75.00 each and at that, I would be making less than minimum wage. I will lend it out if you need it, just pay the shipping which is about $10.00.
If you really need to buy one PM me and I will see what I can do, but I don't really have much time to built these for a few weeks.
Have a great day.
I think the PSAS should fly Paul out here to the beautiful pacific northwest so can meet the legend first hand. While here he could show us how to make these wonderful zappers
wanna come to marysville and zap away i have about 100 aptasia.. in my reef tank

Sure, where is Marysville?

I think the PSAS should fly Paul out here to the beautiful pacific northwest

I was out there last April to speak at the Northern Valley Refers Assn. Where were you guys?
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Northern Valley Refers asn is in Sacramento, not too far from you guys.

just relised you were in new yawk.....

How can you tell?

I built one of these and used it this week to fry some aiptasia. I have to say it was incredibly easy to build and fun to use. I found I was a little disappointed when they were all zapped. Thanks for the info Paul & Duane!

how does this work and NOT kill any of your fish??

I have a 5-6 inch patch of these damn things that wont go away...I bought a CBB and it isnt touching them, so at this point Im looking at other alternatives.

Kirk, it's a very low amount of voltage/amperage for a very short duration. I was a little wary at first, but after zapping a few and seeing no reaction out of my corals or fish I am perfectly comfortable doing this. I would think if a fish actually touched the electrodes when they are charged that fish would not be feeling too good, but I don't see this as a big risk.
Trido (Duane) Made on that he loaned out to some one in the PSAS. Very simple to build and very effective.

Also I don't see it costing $75 to make and be under min wage. As the parts can be had relatively cheap and power sources are about $1.00 at any of the local thrift stores. Add a little wire and a momentary switch and I's say under $15.00 total for a simple Majano/Aptasia burner. Just my thoughts.
I think to make it a marketable product might be $75, but to just make a functional tool that you use occasionally and if it corrodes that's ok....I think I spent maybe $10.
I think to make it a marketable product might be $75, but to just make a functional tool that you use occasionally and if it corrodes that's ok....I think I spent maybe $10.

can you post pics and were you go the equipment you used