Ellylove's 46 Gallon Bow Front (VERY Pic Heavy!)

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Everything is doing great!!! Except Snufalufagus. I saw him yesterday and he looked perfectly fine. I don't know what happened. The only things I can thing of is that he starved due to no more algae on the sand (although there is usually some left over food), or he got attacked my something; like a hermit or a sand sifting worm (which I saw for the first time today. I know they are good, but EWW!!!! I HATE worms!!! It wasn't a bristle worm though because it only had a two rows of barbs on its belly for moving along and it was white). Poor Snufalufagus. The hermits, snails, and peppermints were pretty happy for the snail treat though. I tested my water and there was no trace of ammonia or nitrites. Nitrates were at 20. He had been in there for over 2 hours when I tested too.

Also, I've noticed in my fuge that my chateo seems to be dying of something. It's a lot softer than it used to be and instead of being solid green, each strand looks green then gray then green. It's odd. The inhabitants are happy though (I counted 4 white brittle stars/serpent star like starfish. They are all under 1 inch). Should I be worried and what can I do?

This Thursday my parents and I are going to my grandparents for Thanksgiving and won't be back until Sunday. Right now I manually top off about 8 cups of water every day so my plan is to unplug the return pump and the skimmer and put a heater in the DT. I have a powerhead in there so there will still be plenty of movement and the lights are on a timer so I don't worry about that. My fish are REALLY well fed so I'm sure they can make it 2 days without food. I plan to give them a big feeding Thursday before we leave and Sunday night when we get back. Does this plan sound like it will work, or will I be coming home to a dead tank?

I noticed the first coraline growth on my back glass today! It's a beautiful pink circle about the size of a western WA huckleberry. (The red ones, not the blue ones). I also noticed a LOT of tiny little white things on the front glass the kinda look like baby brittle starts, but they seem to have too many legs. They look a little like tube worm crowns, but there is no tube. Odd. I can't decide if they are good or bad yet. I saw 2 weird snail/sea slug things in the sump today too. They look a little like a tiny sea hare, but have a little flat, round shell. I took a pic, but it's hard to see. I'll try to put it up anyway. There was a predator starfish in the return area of my sump, but I left him there since there isn't anything for him to destroy down there. It's so cool to see all this life pop up out of no where! Now all I need to do is glue down my corals, have my clowns host in the rbta, get my firefish, pearly jawfish, and mandarin, sit back, and watch things grow.
Seahorses.... Good idea or bad idea for my tank? I have medium flow (at least the cyano LOVES my tank...).
seahorses would need a separate tank because they would be out competed for food by the other fish and they are very docile. Thats why seahorses need to be in a species specific tank pretty much. BTW your tank seems to be coming together very nicely. good job.
seahorses would need a separate tank because they would be out competed for food by the other fish and they are very docile. Thats why seahorses need to be in a species specific tank pretty much. BTW your tank seems to be coming together very nicely. good job.

I think when I move to NC in 2-3 years and sell the fish so I don't have to move them, it will be a sea horse tank. I might upgrade the lighting to 2 250 WT HMs to eliminate the shadow in the middle. That and with Florida so close I'll have access to some pretty cool stuff.

As far as right now, I don't think they would be out competed for food because the clowns are not in the least bit interested in mysis (they are brine shrimp fiends!!!) and the dotty back isn't an aggressive eater. I saw him snap up an amphipod earlier and when I feed the tank he just kinda looks at whatever drifts by and picks and chooses. Not that he's a picky eater, just that he's lazy. :lol: I've heard seahorses like the tank about 75º though (which is what it is without a heater) and my tank is about 79º. Oh well. Guess I'll just finish my to do list and watch stuff grow. :)
Carefull with that purple psuedochromis. love mine but he is a vicious tank mate. I have seen him kill peppermint shrimps, take a hermit crap right out of the shell and eat it. I feed very well but he just likes to kill. He is 4 inches of mister meany atm. I may try to get him a new home. Oh and i wouldnt try seahorses with him either they to nice.
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Carefull with that purple psuedochromis. love mine but he is a vicious tank mate. I have seen him kill peppermint shrimps, take a hermit crap right out of the shell and eat it. I feed very well but he just likes to kill. He is 4 inches of mister meany atm. I may try to get him a new home. Oh and i wouldnt try seahorses with him either they to nice.

He's been really good. He definitely respects the female clown, and leaves all the other critters alone. He's gotten close to the cleaner shrimps and the cleaners reached out to clean him and he swam away really fast because he was scared. He's never had a cleaner shrimp with him before. I've seen him snap up an amphipod and he picks at the rocks all the time nibbling on little critters so I am concerned that when I get a mandarin the 2 will be competing for food. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

My friend TD watched my tank for me for 4 days over the holiday and everything is still alive and well (except 1 turbo snail that is on it's back and now the shell is empty). My chaeto is really almost gone and it's half white. I feel bad for the tube worms that are in there. I need some more and soon.
I wouldn't trust him at all with a mandarin. I had one kill a coral beauty, leopard wrasse. They aren't tough enough for most clownfish but I am positive he'll kill off a mandarin.
I wouldn't trust him at all with a mandarin. I had one kill a coral beauty, leopard wrasse. They aren't tough enough for most clownfish but I am positive he'll kill off a mandarin.

So far he hasn't even touched the clowns. I did just find a dead hermit, but I don't think it was him. I keep everything really well fed so he usually just swims though his caves all day.
BABY PEPPERMINT SHRIMP!!!!!! I bought a conch and an electric flame scallop today and when I turned on my lunar lights tonight to show my mom my new finds, the water looked kinda dirty; like I had just fed the tank. There were a bunch of little things floating around that looked a LOT like brine shrimp. Since I only feed frozen I know it couldn't be baby brine shrimp. I looked harder and saw that they were perfect little clearish peppermints (I also happened to see a berried female peppermint so I know it was those guys). Apparently I have 2 females and a male and they are VERY happy. I can't believe my tank is less than 3 months old and I already have things breeding! I sat and watched the tank for about 30 min and the amount of babies, which started at over a hundred, started to dwindle to about 20. I looked in the sump and didn't see any. I'm hoping some settled to the rock and have a chance to grow up. Anyone have any advice on how to raise peppermints since my berried female looked like she is definitely going to hatch her spawn within 3-4 days?

Also, I saw the pseudochromis push on the female clown today. I fed the tank right after that and it left the clowns alone again. Should I be concerned and if so, how do I catch the darn things since it LOVES all of the hiding spots in my tank and it as quick as lightening.

As far as changes to the tank go, I finally "gravel vac"ed the tank and put another 1.5" of black sand in. It looks SOOOO much better. The anemone has easily quadrupled in size and is very happy (although the clowns still have yet to even know it exists). Everything is starting to take hold and settle and I'm very pleased with the outcome. I think I might start looking into tank hoods and retro fit lighting with 2 250K MHs and 2 actinics so I can eliminate that shadow and make everything pop. My chaeto all "melted" except about a pingpong ball size, which is healthy and green, and I hope it takes hold and grows well. I'm still using carbon filtered water and have some cyano all over the rock, but it's better than it was and I guess (according to the peppermints) it isn't bothering anyone. Now all I need is time and money to put some corals in the tank and let it grow. This hobby is definitely proving to be worth it!
Well my "lunar" zoa has been closed up for 2 days... I don't think it's very happy. I just saw my large skunk cleaner shrimp and she is pregnant!!!! I really hope I can manage to catch a few of the babies and get them in the sump before they get eaten so they can have at least a little chance of surviving. 2 of my peppermints are also pregnant. :D

So the cleaner shrimp don't come out during the day anymore because the pseudochromis bullies them. I guess he has to go. Any ideas how to catch the bugger? I tried the bottle with inverted neck trick with a live amphipod in the bottom (which REALLY got his attention) and he swam right in and out. Nets are no good because he just hides. I REALLY don't want to disassemble the tank to get him. *sigh*

Here's the new addition. How do I put a video on here?
good to hear things are going well for you. As for lighting I think a pair of 250's might be a bit overkill. You'd be surprised how potent those things can be when in a good reflector. Since you do have a center brace. Personally I think a pair of 150's would do well and allow you to grow just about anything you would like (rest of your equipment permitting of course). If you have another peppermint spawn again while you are home you could try and shut down all your water flow for a half hour or so and see if the babies settle onto the rocks. If they do then kick the flow back on and see how things turn out. Keep in mind though that with a bunch of babies you're going to have to figure out a way to come up with a good amount of detritus or other very small foods for them to eat.

Those flame scallops are cool, but almost allways starve within a few months in all but the largets systems. Are you dosing lots of phyto?
good to hear things are going well for you. As for lighting I think a pair of 250's might be a bit overkill. You'd be surprised how potent those things can be when in a good reflector. Since you do have a center brace. Personally I think a pair of 150's would do well and allow you to grow just about anything you would like (rest of your equipment permitting of course). If you have another peppermint spawn again while you are home you could try and shut down all your water flow for a half hour or so and see if the babies settle onto the rocks. If they do then kick the flow back on and see how things turn out. Keep in mind though that with a bunch of babies you're going to have to figure out a way to come up with a good amount of detritus or other very small foods for them to eat.


I agree on the overkill. I have 2 250w MH's right now on my 100g and am now trying to hang the fixture farther from the water surface to reduce the light. It's shocking to see how much damage too much light can really do and how easy it is to have. I might be reducing to 1 400w very soon.
Those flame scallops are cool, but almost allways starve within a few months in all but the largets systems. Are you dosing lots of phyto?

I'm not dosing anything right now. I feed the tank small bits bout 3 times a day with several foods including pellet, flake with garlic, frozen brine shrimp, and frozen mysis. I plan to get some cyclopeeze and a frozen seafood mix and combine a bunch of them into a frozen mix. I'll watch him very carefully. If he looks less than amazing I'll take him back.

I just don't like how yellow the light looks on the tank. I have the 1 150MH 10,000. Is there a 150 40,000? I know there is a 200 40,000 it looks awesome. Would 2 150 20,000s work and not have the yellow?
I'm not dosing anything right now. I feed the tank small bits bout 3 times a day with several foods including pellet, flake with garlic, frozen brine shrimp, and frozen mysis. I plan to get some cyclopeeze and a frozen seafood mix and combine a bunch of them into a frozen mix. I'll watch him very carefully. If he looks less than amazing I'll take him back.

I just don't like how yellow the light looks on the tank. I have the 1 150MH 10,000. Is there a 150 40,000? I know there is a 200 40,000 it looks awesome. Would 2 150 20,000s work and not have the yellow?

Yes for sure the 20k's would be a HUGE difference. You would see your tank in a whole new light :p(pun intended)
My main problem right now is trying to catch the pseudo. Any ideas? I've tried the bottle thing.
Other than emptying the tank...I am useless. I would love to know how to get the Singapore Angelfish out of my tank since its favorite meal is brain.

I'm hoping my lfs can find their fish trap... He hasn't eaten or killed anything other than pods yet, but he's starting to stare down the clowns with a nasty look and I want a mandarin so since he is also a pod eater the pseudo has to go.
Other than emptying the tank...I am useless. I would love to know how to get the Singapore Angelfish out of my tank since its favorite meal is brain.

I just re-read this and I think you have a zombie fish. :lol:

A few nights ago, my cleaner shrimp "gave birth" while I watched and let me scoop the babies very close to her into a fine net so I could put them in the sump. A peppermint had babies the next night, but I didn't manage to scoop out any. I did however find a few baby shrimp still in the fuge today. :)
I went to Indoor Reef and returned the flame scallop. He was really cool, but the peppermints kinda picked at him a little (no harm done, he just seemed annoyed) and he always stuck his gills out really far so I don't think he was getting enough to eat.
The peppermints apparently love the taste of sand sifting starfish leg (they also enjoy conch... NOT happy about that one when they ate my new one within 5 hours of bringing him home). At least they eat aptasia and have babies often so they get to stay. I returned the starfish too so it can grow back the half a leg they ate.
Now, the new additions: I found a pretty piece of torch at Aquarium Paradise that has some cool, orange, speckled zoas on it. I also got a few heads of eagle eye and radioactive dragon eyes from them too. Paul at Indoor Reef is really good to me and was nice enough to cut me a frag of some really pretty orange and yellow zoas from a huge chunk so I can grow them out in my tank. Today, I brought home Herbie, the VERY skinny green mandarin dragonette. Paul has had him in his front flat display tank for a while and he used to be pretty plump when it was all overgrown with chaeto. They pulled out almost all the chaeto a few months ago and now he is really skinny. I brought him home and right away he ate some frozen brine shrimp (even though Paul said he'd never seen him eat frozen food). I am going to do my best to fatten the little guy up. I hope to get some pods this week for him. Unfortunately, the pseudochromis nipped at Herbie's tail as soon as I put him in there and the pseudo loves pods. I really want to get the pseudo out of there, but I don't know how without tearing the tank down. He only took that one initial nip at Herbie and I'm hoping it was just a "Welcome to the tank. I'm the boss" nip. He hasn't done more than look at him since. Herbie seems pretty relaxed, but when he was eating/hunting he put his gorgeous fins up all the way. When he puts his fins up like that he is definitely bigger than the pseudo and I hope it intimidates the bully. He may be thin, but he's healthy and has energy. I think he just needs some food and love. Hopefully one of my shrimp will have babies again soon and Herbie can have a shrimpy snack. I also brought home about a baseball sized dense clump of chaeto to help with pod production.
Everything in the tank is REALLY purple and the corals are all happy and growing. It's so much fun to see everything mature! It's definitely all I hoped it would be. :)