Well-known member
Seabeck is on the Hood Canal about 6mi due west from Silverdale (just north of Bremerton) if that helps! I don't know Thor but I imagine he might be checking out Jeff's (DolphinLVR) set up in La Conner maybe?
Seabeck is on the Hood Canal about 6mi due west from Silverdale (just north of Bremerton) if that helps! I don't know Thor but I imagine he might be checking out Jeff's (DolphinLVR) set up in La Conner maybe?
Here are a couple of FTS with the 1w whites only on, and other with 1w whites and 1w blues on. This not full lighting as I don't have the 3w whites on in either picture. I am very happy with the rock work. Lots of valleys, tunnels, cravasses, and a very 'airy' bottom to the reef for circulation. You can also see on the floor in the back, the control units for the LEDs.
Looking good! You going BB?
No way! I gotta have sand for all the critters I love. Starfish, snails, wrasses, you know the drill. I am though worried about sand size... I like the sugar white but I plan on putting a couple of vortech MP40s. I want to mount them on the back (out of sight) and blow under my reef towards the front glass hoping it will lift everything up and over my reef flowing towards the back at the surface. The mini Tunz are temporary stirring units until I get the MP40s ($$$). But... and the big but is how whether I will have a sand storm. I might have to go with a coarse sand mix which never is white enough for me.
I don't know if your sand will stay put. I have suger grain size. I have mines on opposites end of each other on the long side of the tank. The reason for that is. There is no way the sand will stay put if I mounted the MP40 on the back of my tank. The flow will be too much and it will bounce off the front glass tumble down and displace all your sand in the front of the DT. I have trouble keeping sand in the front of my tank due to having the tunze on the Wavy Sea. When the WS rotates towards the front glass the flow clashes with the VT and it creates an underwater wave that pushes most of my sand back towards the middle of the tank. However like you mentioned you might have to go with something more coarse. I know the sugar isn't working out for me.
Possibly a mixture of coasre and sugar might do the trick maybe a 25/75 mixture will still give you that white fine sand look and still have enough weight to keep them from getting displaced by the flow.
So you say you're going to have "corals". Zoos, ricordia, and what else? I'm mostly curious if you'll be putting in acros?
also look at CaribSea Aragonite (Seafloor Special)
My Tunze's move it a bit, but not a sand storm