Emily Gracin Taylor

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Hey Gaby, let's hijack Krish's thread! :)

Paige was just measured at 3%! She's the same in height, third percentile. She eats really well, though, and not picky at all. And she's won't fall asleep in anyone's arms. She's too curious.

More surprisingly, Krish hasn't responded yet. I thought he just sat lurking at RF all day. I'm so disappointed.
Hey Gaby, let's hijack Krish's thread!

LOL!!!don't tempt me :D :p.

Paige was just measured at 3%! She's the same in height, third percentile. She eats really well, though, and not picky at all. And she's won't fall asleep in anyone's arms. She's too curious.

wwouu dood.....i don't know what to say about mine... the doctor told us that she has a small head and a long body :lol: .
I have tried feeding her peas, carrots whatever i can think of... gerber and natural foods and the darn baby won't take them, not even rice freaking cereal... it usually ends up on my face or on my clothes ... i tried doing the choo choo train thing and where's the airplaine and she would just smile and not open her mouth :lol: .
she's still waking up at least 3 times at night dood, ohh yeah and she sleeps with us too :lol: ... her torture is the crib :lol: .

More surprisingly, Krish hasn't responded yet. I thought he just sat lurking at RF all day. I'm so disappointed.

he told me, he was gonna be busy at work today... but he'll post when he gets home .... hopefully :p:lol:.
LOL!!! Thanks for the replies:D Last time we weighed her which was about the beginning of last month, she weighed almost 17lbs. I caught her last night balancing upright on her knees in almost a standing position, but on her knees. She was the same way as Paige Jason...Hated to be on her tummy, but one day, she just rolled over and that was it. She scooted around on her tummy by using her arms and then one day I came home from work and she was crawling on her knees! I use to get down on my knees with her in the beginning so that she could se me crawl to see if it would help. We'll see how long before she walks:)
NO WAIT it is April 2007 oops on the wront page.....not new at least I can find my way home and my hubby can too cause I cook good.

Congrats Krish. (yea like you had anything to do with it, //Just being rude sorry Debbie)) Hey like my yelllow Tang suit?
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LOL!!! Thanks for the replies Last time we weighed her which was about the beginning of last month, she weighed almost 17lbs. I caught her last night balancing upright on her knees in almost a standing position, but on her knees. She was the same way as Paige Jason...Hated to be on her tummy, but one day, she just rolled over and that was it. She scooted around on her tummy by using her arms and then one day I came home from work and she was crawling on her knees! I use to get down on my knees with her in the beginning so that she could se me crawl to see if it would help. We'll see how long before she walks

get her a walking training thingy... Antonio used to love it.

he learned how to walk with this thing well similar because his has different toys :p

NO WAIT it is April 2007 oops on the wront page.....not new at least I can find my way home and my hubby can too cause I cook good.

Congrats Krish. (yea like you had anything to do with it, //Just being rude sorry Debbie)) Hey like my yelllow Tang suit?

i don't get it :confused: .... you need some hijacking lessons doodette :p
Who me? Need hijacking lessons? What I am Insane? Cause it's all about me...:badgrin: .
So the girls are mobile:exclaim: Kewl, Pictures please?
omg dood!!! i can't freaking believe how big she is :eek:.
and YOU FINALLY SMILED!!:lol::lol::p.

ohh yeah and keep the pics coming :D
Wow, she's HUGE! She's twice the size of Paige, but a few weeks younger.

You know... I'm bringing the underwater housing and Digital Rebel when I come.
LOL! Thanks guys! Yeah she's grown! The doctors says she is a little tall for her age. She will be 1 next month and is still trying to walk, but not actually walking yet. She took 3 steps and that's it:p She's saying more words now as well. She even nods her head and says yeah yeah:lol: Growing up really fast. When she wants her bottle at night (she only has a bottle in the morning when she wakes up and the last thing at night) she says, "dada" or "mama" "bubba" (LOL) :)
She's twice the size of Paige, but a few weeks younger

LMAO!!! the same here :lol: .... people think Olivia is 3 months old.

woou dood that's awesome !!! Olivia is scooting instead of crawling :lol: and she says hi but don't come closer because she freaks out :rolleyes:.
my aunt's bought her a walker and the darn baby fights me everytime i try to put her there :doubt::lol:
LOL!! Emily loves her walker! She doesn't complain about much. Seems to be a very happy child

lol!!! that's awesome :D ...yeah mine at first when we were at the store, she was fine with the walker (that's why we bought it :p) but as soon as we took it home ..forget about it ..she gets into the seating position and she won't let you put her legs straight or she'll shake like nobody's business :lol:
Well my baby is finally 1!!!! :D We had a Dora the Explorer party for her today in her grandmothers backyard and she had a blast! Here's mommy, daddy, Emily and Dora :D
