End of summer get together

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Thanks Vicki & Guy - for hosting, bar tending & providing a guide over the mountain pass...never been there in the daylight! I (we) had a very relaxing time out by your cool new pond. I still think some bow-fishing might be fun...your neighbor makes some mean smoked fish, eh? Did we talk about aquariums? The fish collection was a bust, later; we need ALL of the rock out, but we tried! Thanks! KevinD
Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I've had a crazy busy summer and haven't been on reefland in months. Got my son off to MSU in August, last farmer's market was Tuesday but now I'm in rehearsals for the Sound of Music. Never a dull moment. But, nevertheless, I'm back! I promise to check in to see how everyone is doing. Lots has been going on since I disappeared! Glad you all are so much better at staying connected than I am! Looking forward to seeing you all!