F-in Lobster

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mark peacock

Mar 28, 2006
Just found my cleaner wrasse with a big chuck out of his back looks bad i think my lobster must of had him in the night put him in my qt do you think i should do the toilet in the sky for him :(.


Well this is the thing the wrasse is still eating so do i send him to the aquarium in the sky via the toilet or see how he gets on:doubt:.
i would see what happens, i once transfered a puffer from one tank to another and in the process he fillesd up with air like a balloon. he then somehow popped like a balloon leaving a 1/2 inch hole in him. the guy at the lfs told me that thre was no way he would live. well not only did the wound heal but the fish lived for several years after. so keep the tank clean and just watch for infections
I would stock up on some Maracyn Two and an anti-fungal med for SW (ask Lee Birch for recs) because my mandarin had this happen from a CB shrimp bite and the infection killed him.
From what I was told those cleaners don't usually fair to well anyways, short lived in reef tanks but I may be wrong on that.
jan is right on target with the maracyn two. you also want to watch and see if any other fish are picking at the wound.
Sounds like you've got a lobster dinner coming up soon.

I would QT him, and treat with water conditioners containing aloe, and with anti fungal / antibacterial treatments. Make sure to feed it vitamin enriched foods as well, and keep water quality at the best you can. Any sort of crab that finds him in the main tank might think its dead and go after him.
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Do you think he could be saved as the chunk that has been taken out of him is right to the bone of his back i can see little fish bones its really bad i have put him in the QT but if the fish is suffering do you think it best for me to send him on his way the fish aqarium in the sky :(:(:(:cry:
If the injury was going to kill him, he would be dead by now. Infections are what you have to worry about.
Man.. that little fish looks like it had a talk with my boss! I have witnessed pieces of A** falling off folks as they walk out the door...:lol:

Seriously tho.
I recommend the QT. See how the fish does. It might appear to be bad, however, with the long term investment you have already given this fish, a few more days to see how it does isnt going to hurt anything. Besides.. If he pulls through, thats another chalk mark against the whole myth that wrasses suck in captivity!

Well i do not beleave it i sore the wrasse a couple of days ago behind a rock and it looked like it had go to the fish bowl in the sky no movement and a hermit crab was on top of it i thought having his sunday lunch today looked into my qt and its still living swimming around and still eating and looks a bit better i must have rocky from the fish world hard as nails:eek2: