Feather Starfish

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Lion in the cave
Nov 9, 2008
Milford ks
Hey there well i just got a great deal on a green Feather starfish. I already know that there filter feeders and feed off of phyoplankton and that there very sensitive. But if any has any other information that would be cool ill try and take a picture tmr when i turn on my lights :)
You got it on the list :D(scroll down to the inverts section)


Good luck and keep us posted on how its doing!

Personally I haven't heard stories of people keeping them so I don't know how much of a survival rate they have but I hope you can keep it alive for some time! Try feeding phyto plankton or other prepared plankton fooods
Ok so i took some photos for everyone this morning before he went for cover from the lights :). and i always make sure to feed plankton and zoo plankton to my tanks, corals love it :p
I have to say good luck also. Crinoid Feather sea stars are beautiful creatures. But, IMO, should be left in the sea. No matter how large the tank is, it's almost impossible to keep them alive more than 2 or 3 weeks. They just don't get the amount of food they need. They need a constant supply of food to eat and even the dirtiest reef tank is too "clean" for them. To give it your best shot, feed it multiple times per day, which will also require a VERY Good skimmer and LOTS of water changes. Also, I believe they're zooplankton feeders, not phytoplankton. Cyclopeeze would be something to try. Here's a good link to check out http://www.wetwebmedia.com/crinoids.htm
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Have to agree with Sid.
Even in the wild, many creatures only live in a very small locations where conditions are PERFECT for their special select needs. Away from this spot such as in an aquarium, they die soon.

Have always coveted feather and basket stars, but along with scallops and many cool bright orange and pink softies, just can't happen.
well thanks for the advice and im glad i feed both phyto and zoo plankton :) and i also have a flame scallop thats been in there for a month now so well see how it goes i hope he makes it. :) but i got it for a good deal so i can complain lol
If it does die, which it likely will, unfortunately. Don't replace it!! Chances are, about 100 died for every one that arrived alive at the LFS. These truly are a creature that shouldn't be harvested from the wild. They probably have the lowest survivability of any creature captured from the ocean.
i wasnt planning on replacing it lol its a one shot deal type thing just is nice to see in my tank right now :).
haha pretty much and he found the first night where to stay hes not to close but is right in line of path for my maxi1200 haha so he was liking the water flow and he only moved when it was time to turn on the lights lol.
Well just to give an update. its been 5 days so far and still doing good, he hides when the lights are on and comes out at night time. when he comes out he doesnt venture very far but thats mainly becuase i have a maxijet blowing right towards him and he likes it there, i guess its easier to feed and all.
right now i spot feed it zoo plan, but i also put coral live the frozen food cubes i put half of one in every other day. and i read that article about them and they like both and they found one with an arm of 2.5 meters long now thats huge lol
haha yeah and watch it squirm around then have it grow one back it also said can have up to 22 legs i should count and see how much mine has when i get home.
Well almost 3 weeks old and still doing good. he stays all curled up and uder the rock cave during the day then at night he comes out to the top for feeds time :) now ill be going away for 6 weeks i hope my roomates can keep him alive lol
You need to have a DSB and a bristleworm army. Bristleworm epitoke gametes make up most of their diet. This means that you need to seriously overfeed this tank. If you don't have epitokes swimming every 4 or 5 days, it's gonna starve needlessly in a couple of months.
umm this is the first ive ever heard of this do you have any research to back this statement up or have your previously had one dont mean to be rude or anything.