~ February ~ Reef Frontiers ~ Pic of the Month

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Sorry guys, but I think the change is kinda lame. We tried all month to get some big mouth shots, and I finally got some great ones only to see that the theme has changed. Now I don't know if I should post a big mouth or a clown.

Sorry bud, and for this you have my permission to submit both pics. I wasn't sure I was not going to have just a single entry so needed to shake it up a bit. I to have been trying to catch a pic of my Anthias yawning... damn near impossible even though they do it all day.

Cheers, Todd

Well, it was a hard decision, but here is my official entry for the "big mouth". It's my mandarin spitting out a mouth full of sand.


This one was my runner up, and was a great display of a big mouth, but wasn't in focus. Had to share it though as a non-submission.


And my clowns in their evergrowing RBTA.
My new Ornate leopard wrasse spends alot of his time yawning but spends so little time out in the open I doubt I could get a good pic.

I went through at least a thousand old pics and had very few fish pics in general.
Annnd.... The WINNER is = Kris's submission below of her Amphiprion nigripes hosting Purple Tipped Anemone H. magnifica. Beautiful overall pic layout and great depth of field with both Clownfish and foreground of Anemone in crisp focus. My Runner-up pics were Iroll's 2nd pic and Faciosity's pic of Mandarin Goby. Thanks everyone for contributing and don't forget to start gathering pics to next Months theme of:
"March Madness of course, best shot of your coral or fish in your favorite teams color"

Kris-1210 by krisfal68, on Flickr[/QUOTE]

Kris, can you please send Mike (mojoreef) the original pic file to [email protected] 'February POTM Winner'. Thanks and Congrats

Cheers, Todd
Annnd.... The WINNER is = Kris's submission below of her Amphiprion nigripes hosting Purple Tipped Anemone H. magnifica. Beautiful overall pic layout and great depth of field with both Clownfish and foreground of Anemone in crisp focus. My Runner-up pics were Iroll's 2nd pic and Faciosity's pic of Mandarin Goby. Thanks everyone for contributing and don't forget to start gathering pics to next Months theme of:
"March Madness of course, best shot of your coral or fish in your favorite teams color"

Kris-1210 by krisfal68, on Flickr

Kris, can you please send Mike (mojoreef) the original pic file to [email protected] 'February POTM Winner'. Thanks and Congrats

Cheers, Todd

Yay me!! :horn:THANK YOU!!

I have taken lots of clownfish pictures as they are easy subjects, when hosting an anemone, as you do not have to chase them around the tank.

I will get the original sent to Mojo this weekend (as soon as I find it among the 30,000 + digital images I have, lol)
So our GSM clown has sort of a pissy attitude. Anything she doesn't like near her anemone (and by her definition more than half the tank is "near" online roulette
) will get pushed over. Any loose frag will be shoved off the rock unless it's firmly wedged in a hole. Apparently, the front glass of the aquarium is in the wrong spot too. Here she is trying to shove the glass out of her way.