Finally started my 20 tall

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Panda Goby
Dec 26, 2007
I finally started my 20 tall tank. I have been collecting parts and pieces for the last 3-6 months and I finally got all of my ducks in a row. So here it goes.
I finally started my 20 tall tank. I have been collecting parts and pieces for the last 3-6 months and I finally got all of my ducks in a row. So here it goes.

Here is some more. This pic is about 1.5 days after started.
My parameters are
PH= 8.3-8.4
Amonia= .5
Nitrate= 0-.5
I havent been that way in a while but Im always running and going. Thanks for the welcome. The rock was already cured so I am assumeing that the cycle period will be fairly quickly. Thanks
Looking good! What brand of LS are you using? It looks like there are some bigger pieces mixed in with the fine, or did you add those? How do you like it so far?
I like it so far I guess, Just started. I bought it from Petsmart and I believe it was Ocean Direct. It has alot of small crushed shells and other tid bits, but the sand is medium small to very fine.
ok well im orginally from eufala lake thats why i asked lol its been awhile since ive been over there and hopefully your tank wil cycle quick it will have its ups and downs just like everything does. I would add some snails and hermits next for a little clean up crew cause youll probably be getting some alge soon most tanks do. but good luck
I tested my tank yesterday and the amonia bearly spiked at .5 and now it was almost zero. but now I just have to wait for the nitrates and nitrites to go down and start adding a CUC. and my ph is running between 8.3 and 8.4. How long should I wait to do a water change? So now its a waiting game.
I have another question. How do I get the return pump from pumping super-tiny air bubbles into the tank? I have tried to choke down the flow to add more water to the tank and the level in the sump. But I am kinda stumped. Thanks
There may be some air in your pipes? I got air from my return when I was pushing too much flow. How much have you tried chocking it down? Have you tried shutting off, restarting it? Are all your seals tights? And is there a source of air in your sump?
I have tried to choke it off and I have it running about .75% or .50% now and I got rid of the big bubbles but now I have super-tiny bubbles. Would a filter sock help any?? I will check my connection to my return pump and make sure they are all tight. Thanks alot.
A filter spock will help with the small bubbles and all but it might just be the conections. and just a suggestion i would replace those bio balls with some cheato and a floodlight. IMO the more natural u can have your tank the better.
Welcome to RF =)

I just upgraded from my 20 last month and have started my first experiment with a sump. I have read before that new pvc parts can actually cause some micro bubbles until they build up a for lack of a better way to say it slime coat.
I'm thinking there is some truth to that because i am about a month in on the new tank and my micro bubble problem is gone and i have actually as of last weekend removed all of the pre-filters from my system (overflow box, skimmer, and return pump).

I don't know if that helps you out at all, i suppose you can tinker around with it if you want, or just wait and see.

Any other questions feel free to ask, everyone on here is great and has been incredibly helpful guiding me through my first marine tank.
I really appreicate everyone on this website and I knew you guys wouldnt let me down. I am just playing the waiting game now. I have been testing it every morning and when I get home and so far I am at zero-amonia and 5ppm-Nitrates and .25-.50ppm-Nitrites so when it drops to zero overall then I will start slowly adding. Thanks again. There has been some not alot of alge growth and I have noticed some small little pink-green something growing on the rock. Its in the back of the tank so I cant get a good pic of it and another thing I noticed is a small yellowish type of sponge growing off to the side. So now I just have to have patience.
Would this work till I gradually take out all of the bio-balls. I was thinking of adding some LR with cheto to the first intake of the sump. The supply water to the sump would hit the LR first then the skimmer then return. or somthing like that. Would it help or work at all.
yes that would work because your using the LR as the natural filter mixed with the cheto also then if u wanted u could just have live in the first compartment and then when the bio balls are all out u coule put cheto in there and you dont have anything in your display tank right? if not then you could switch it all out at once since your just starting your cycle it would be a better solution then slowly changing out everything. just my opinion though.
Yeah I thought about it but I have to wait till the 20th to buy anymore LR or anything esle. But I might just do that next weekend. It wont effect my Display at all, I dont think. I have a LFS that I can get cured fuji for 4.99lb. and I think
there is another place around her that I can get cheto.
well you should be able to get the cheto from the same lfs store i know the one around here does a med sixe plastic bag for 6 bucks, and have you tried searching craigslist for your area never know someone might be selling rock cheaper then 5 bucks a lbs. but you could get away with the cheto also and just slowly add the rock when u get the dough to buy it. Dont forget u need to buy a light fixture and light also for the cheto to grow. the LR would be fine without the light. just some things to think for a buget if you lived in WA i would give you some of mine lol
Ive actually bought alot of equipment off of craigslist and so far I been really luck with the stuff Ive picked up. I will call the couple of LFS around here and try to find some. THanks