First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

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mandarin would most likely be okay

I disagree.

12g is too small as there would not be enough live rock or pods to support the diet that is required of this fish.
12g is too small as there would not be enough live rock or pods to support the diet that is required of this fish.
That's why I had mentioned that I was not entirely sure...If OP has a friend with a tank that could support it, I would try to train it and if it looks unhealthy, trade it to your friend for something.
Hi guys! Been a while since I've been on, but I wanted to update.
Everything is doing GREAT!
My candy-canes are HUGE, acan is growing out quickly, mushrooms and GSPs are taking over the rocks, and xenias are looking very healthy and full as well!

I still have quite a problem with these amphipods. I'm certain that's what they are, and there are WAY to many of them! I swear, when I turn the light on in the morning and they scamper there are probably 50-100 of them!!! and they are HUGE! When I feed pellets for the crabs/shrimp, these guys will swarm them and drag them off!!!

I've read about "borrowing" a fish to eat them, but seen a lot of mixed opinion on it.

What do you guys think? Should I "borrow" a fish temporarily to eat most of them up? What kinds would you recommend? A small mandy might be ok for a couple weeks in there, right? Since I don't plan on keeping it long term? Or is that too stressful/cruel to the fish?

Also, my parameters have been pretty stable and since everything else is thriving, I'd like to try some zoas again. I don't want to pay $30-$70 at an LFS just in case they still don't like my water, so if anyone has a cheap, small frag they wouldn't mind letting go of for a few bucks, that would be awesome :D

Here are some pics...



not the best pic, but oh well


The tank is comming along nicely. Those corals look very happy :)

In an ideal world we would not put any fish in a tank that wouldn't support it for the rest of its life. That is difficult in a nano when you need a utility fish. I know a guy who started off with a tiny, I do mean tiny 6-line wrasse in a 2 gallon. He fell in love with it so upgraded to a 10 gallon so he could keep it longer. At this point it is happy and active with no signs of stress. But it will need a larger home someday.

If you do go for a wrasse I would try to have a home figured out for it when it does eventually outgrow its home. You would be suprized how hard it can be to sell a fish when you want it gone, even a popular fish can take some time to find the right home for. Or you may just fall in love and need a bigger tank too :D

For frags does your LFS not have cheaper frags? I can get really nice frags some close to small colonies for $10 down here. If you were closer I would just give you some clippings but I don't think you want to drive to St. Helens just for that LOL. I'm sure a local reefer will help you out here, many grow like weeds :)
You know, I believe a small damsel, like a talbots damsel will eat amphipods and other pods. And they stay small enough for that size tank, and they are not as aggressive as most other damsels. You could ad another nano fish later without any problems. An Azure damsel will eat them, but I think it gets kind of aggressive in an area that small.
Thank you for the suggestions!
der, you said your friend upgraded the wrasse to a 10 gal? Mine's a 12, it's just awkwardly tall and doesn't have a lid covering the top. I wouldn't want the fish to jump out.
There are plenty of little hiding spots and places for it to go if it wanted... the two spot goby we had seemed ok.

I wouldn't mind a 6line wrasse or even a small damsel! I actually would like a small fish in there... so if it could eat the pods as well that'd be perfect!

I'll look into getting a small one and see how it goes.
Tank looks great!! Looks like your candy canes are getting ready to split...awesome. Grats!!
I didn't see the tank size until now. You could try a scooter blenny. It would be more suitable
Thank you for the suggestions!
der, you said your friend upgraded the wrasse to a 10 gal? Mine's a 12, it's just awkwardly tall and doesn't have a lid covering the top. I wouldn't want the fish to jump out.
There are plenty of little hiding spots and places for it to go if it wanted... the two spot goby we had seemed ok.

I wouldn't mind a 6line wrasse or even a small damsel! I actually would like a small fish in there... so if it could eat the pods as well that'd be perfect!

I'll look into getting a small one and see how it goes.

He has a 24L x 10W x 10H tank with lots of hidding places and the wrasse is doing well. I don't know the dimentions of your tank but it should work for a tiny one for a while. I would highly recomend a screen cover though. Wrasses are famous for jumping. I have my tank covered and somehow my Melanurus took a trip through the overflow in to the filter sock. He made it a bit worse for wear but it gave both of us a heart attack that day. Oh and wrasses like to burry them selves in sand at night so be sure to have enough to cover it.

Damsels are cool fish but can be very aggresive especially in a small tank. They too will eventually need a bigger home and almost no one will take a damsel that is not a baby :(
I didn't see the tank size until now. You could try a scooter blenny. It would be more suitable

Scooter blenneys are cool fish but are in the same family as Dragonets and eat almost nothing but pods. So he would have to add more pods for it on a regular basis. Could turn in to a evil cycle thing really quickly since he wants to eradicat the amphipods in the system. Plus I think the scooter blenny's get four or five inches long. So would also have to be rehomed at some point :(. But they are less active and would be happier in this tank longer then the wrasse :)

For a pernament fish you could do several different gobys like the firefish or greenbar goby. Both have great colors. Some cardinalfish also may work for you. But of course none of these fish are likely to eat your pods.
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well, we might be moving and have to downsize some tanks. The good news is that I will probably move my reef into my 20 g tall so there is more room and less of an awkward footprint.
The 20 tall is 24" x 12" x 16".
The question I have is whether or not my light will be enough for the whole thing..
I have the CAD lights nano reef one.. which is like this one:

I've only seen it on smaller nanos (8 & 12 gal) ... do you think it could work suspended over a 20 gal tall?
If you have the option I would suggest a 20L tank. Its shorter and longer, better for swimming and for light penetration.
I don't ... I wish :/
The reason we're down-sizing is due to some financial setbacks and having to move. The new place we're going isn't all inclusive on utilities like our current place is, so we won't be able to afford running 5 or 6 tanks anymore lol

I already have the 20 tall, but I wouldn't have any money to spend on getting a 20 long... maybe if someone wanted to trade, but I doubt it
Are you going to still be in the area? How soon are you planning on setting it up. I have a 20L. Its currently my frag tank. Once I get my 40B set up and every thing moved into it, the 20L will be available. I will trade you. I cant think of anything I will need it for.
Well, we are moving on the 29th. I'll probably be tearing down the 20 tall sometime this week.
I was thinking about it and I feel like the 20 tall would probably be fine. I mean the light is above a hex tank now, which has an even TALLER footprint, and the corals don't seem to mind the light distance/dispersion. I feel like in a 20 long, with only one square LED light fixture centered over it, there won't be much dispersion of light, and I'd have to either buy a second one (not likely in the near future) or bunch all my rock and corals in the center of the tank and leave the ends bare.
This is the light we have;

I appreciate the offer, and will definitely trade... I'm just not sure if it would be necessary or practical to utilize the long instead of the tall, given the light I have.
What do you guys think?
Yeah, it's 2 inches shorter than the hex they're currently in.
Will I want to look into a protein skimmer for a 20 gal? I'm currently just doing weekly water changes.
skimmers are always a good thing to have, but you can get away without one. weekly should be okay but depending on your bioload, you might want to do w/c's more often.
All right, so my gf and I moved and got rid of the awkward 12 g hex. Our reef is now in the 20 tall, and we didn't lose any livestock except for 1 sexy shrimp! Sucks, but I'm really glad the corals and rest of the CUC survived!!

Now we're eager to get a fish or two, but I told the gf I want to wait a bit and make sure the tank is stable.

What are some suggestions on fish? What would you guys keep in a 20 tall if you had your pick?

I really like the six-line, and my gf (of course) wants an ocellaris or similar small clown.
We also like firefish, gobies, and cardinals.

Any suggestions on a "lid" for this so that a wrasse or firefish won't jump out? we have 2 hob filters right now and I may add a hob skimmer sooo I don't know if a glass lid would accommodate that. I was considering just getting some thin mesh from home depot to lay over the top but that's pretty ghetto lol