Fish died in worst place ever

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2005
Palatine, IL
My Naso tang just died on me and he either purposely died or a crab dragged him to the very center and of one of my rock formations and all the way to the back. The only way i can get it is by tearing apart all of my LR to get there. Does anyone know what kinda hell this is going to cause for my tank?
Sorry to hear that Nick :doubt: He probably just died and the crab took advantage of the situation. I can imagine what you will have to go through in the tank to get him out. Bummer...I hope everything works out ok man and there aren't any more deaths in there.
Yep...I'm honesty glad I don't have to deal with a ton of rocks right now. I just had to add a fan to my aquapod and needed the tank to rotate some to add a bracket and all I did was spun the whole stand and tank around, put the bracket on, and slide the tank and stand back in place. No rocks to tumble or anything. I had the same problem as you before when I had my 90 gal (first setup when I first got into the hobby) and I had to remove about 100lbs of rock to get 1 fish out! :mad:
Yeah i just started thinking about what i'm gonna do when i get my own place. I mean this thing takes up as much room as a sofa and i gotta find a place for it. I may have to sell this when i move. :( bummer! I think if i do sell it i am going to hold off and just do my pond and scratch the entire tank idea all together.
How big of a clean up crew do you have? how big was the fish? the few times I had a fish die in my tank I don't even realised until the fish was hafl eaten by the crabs/other fish, so I never really pull them out. I just do not feed my fish that week. The reef feeding the reef.
A pretty decent size crew. I have had that happen to me too where i don't notice a fish till its practically a skeleton and things seem to work out okay. This guy was pretty big though. I just noticed yesterday that my CBB is missing too.
Anyone else missing?
I would check the water parameters to rule out a water quimistry problem, run carbon and watch everyone else. Since it was a big fish and not the first MIA habitant definatly pull it out. You do not want to add ammonia to the tank and whatever is going on right now in there.
Well i think i know the problem. I started cutting back on my feedings and i think it killed my naso and my butterfly. I rarely saw the butterfly eat anything except my feather dusters.
how much did you cut back on feeding. I feed my Naso daily. He is very active and eats alot. If you cut back to like every 2 days or so that might be the problem! I wouldn't dare to go 2 days without feeding mine. He would probably attack me!! Ha Ha... Sorry for your loss......
Yeah i cut down to 2-3 times a week. I really didn't see him getting really skinny so i though it was okay but i guess i was wrong.
Try and take the fish out. I'd hate for you to experience a small cycle. Try and stick a siphon hose down in that spot and see if you can pull it out of its spot enough that you can reach it.

I don't know that only cutting back to feeding 2-3 times a week would kill your fish without you noticing it being very thin.
Nick, i am really sorry to hear that... maybe you could point a maxi-jet in the back and try to blow it towards the never know, it might actually know i had a crab that killed/and tried to kill fish..i think it did kill a hippo a year ago..i saw it attack one of my hippo's that i have also was the culprit in the loss of 2 was a sallylighfoot crab....maybe you can get another tang to replace it
Well i need to do some testing before any more cash is spent on the tank. I don't think i am going to replace the CBB but i am going to replace the PB and more than likely the Naso.
you lost the PB also:eek: !!!!!!!!!! now i'm hurting:( definately do some testing and keep an eye on that could be the culprit;)
nick what happens there is the tank stays were the sofa goes, and you sleep on the floor.

but how big was this fish? how big is your tank? 1 fish dieing and your worried about it?

Im not speaking from experience cause im pritty sure that compared 2 your guys's fish, mine are small.

but 1 fish is gonna hurt ya that bad?

I guess it really depends on the size of the fish, and the size of the system (with really no way of knowing with out testing)?
I agree that you should take him out if you can....if it was a smaller fish you'd probably be all right in that size tank.
Well yesterday i started bulldozing my rock work in search for the dead and i can honestly say that it was a skeleton by the time i got to it. my crabs and hermit crabs cleaned everything up in a day. i never found the copperbanded so i'm guessing the same thing went for him. I am noticing a little bit of green hair algae growing on my returns so i think a water change is due.


My powder Blue died awhile ago from when my grouper tried to eat him.
I would go ahead and do about a weeks worth of water changes, 20 gallons at a time, and then sit back and see what happens. Sounds a little labor intense, but I think it will help in the long run. HTH