Fish stung by anemone

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Well what I did after he got stung was move the power heads to blow across the surface and open the windows in the house to get as much oxygen in the water as I can. I don’t know if it will do any good but I have to do something. I’ve got so much turbulence on the surface it looks like deception pass. Multiple whirlpools in the center of the tank.

He is still maintaining but that all. No change, still black as I’ve ever seen him and white around the lower front.
Well what I did after he got stung was move the power heads to blow across the surface and open the windows in the house to get as much oxygen in the water as I can. I don’t know if it will do any good but I have to do something. I’ve got so much turbulence on the surface it looks like deception pass. Multiple whirlpools in the center of the tank.

He is still maintaining but that all. No change, still black as I’ve ever seen him and white around the lower front.

Im in the same boat with a different cause :-(

My favorite fish is on the verge and i feel helpless. Hope he comes around. From what ive read, BTA are the weakest anemone sting.
Well what I did after he got stung was move the power heads to blow across the surface and open the windows in the house to get as much oxygen in the water as I can. I don’t know if it will do any good but I have to do something. I’ve got so much turbulence on the surface it looks like deception pass. Multiple whirlpools in the center of the tank.

He is still maintaining but that all. No change, still black as I’ve ever seen him and white around the lower front.

Well if he doesn't pull through, I have a very handsome Vlamingi Tang that you can have. He really needs a new home. Looks exactly the same as your avatar and more than likely the same size. He is already starting to grow the lump on his nose...just barely.

The anemone is a Colonial RBTA that was from my tank..I have 5-6 more if you would like one, they are dinner plate size, so not for a tank under 100.

Well if he doesn't pull through, I have a very handsome Vlamingi Tang that you can have. He really needs a new home. Looks exactly the same as your avatar and more than likely the same size. He is already starting to grow the lump on his nose...just barely.

Oh hay man that’s really generous of you. I appreciate it. The avatar is a few months old, he has elongated a lot and had a definite hump on his nose now. I’m hoping what every the sting has in it will ware off and not cause any permanent damage. Even though they are fish I get kind of attached to each of them. The vlamingi has always been my favorite. Just an interesting fish and always ready to greet me every morning. Most of the other fish just do there thing but vlamingi is always watching me. Kind of weird now that I think about it. I’m sure he just sees me as the food source provider.

Currant picture just taken.


the main thing I would be concerned with is the fish's mouth.
Can it still eat food? If the answer is Yes, then I would less worried than if it was not able to eat at all..
I guess Ill find out tomorrow. I was actually in the process of feeding them when this happened. He already polished off a sheet of algae and I was defrosting some frozen marine mysis and some other stuff but went to feed a piece to the nem first. That’s where I made the mistake.

The anemone is a Colonial RBTA that was from my tank..I have 5-6 more if you would like one, they are dinner plate size, so not for a tank under 100.


Id love one but alas my 100g is freshwater and so is my 55. my salt setup is only 29, and i have a small GBTA which im actually thinking about removing if it ever decides to move. if it stays put ill keep it.

Ive just never seen an anemone that color before thought it was pretty
ah, ok..well if you want to see a mass of RBTAs (and color) you are welcome to stop by and see my tank...
Here is a video of the fish just after the sting.
Sorry for being so late after the fact but Vimeo was having a problem yester and wouldn’t upload my video.

<iframe src="" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Well it looks like vimeo is still having problems. This is the correct code and we should be seeing a video. Maybe it will start working after a while.
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Here is a video of the fish just after the sting.
Sorry for being so late after the fact but Vimeo was having a problem yester and wouldn’t upload my video.

<iframe src="" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Well it looks like vimeo is still having problems. This is the correct code and we should be seeing a video. Maybe it will start working after a while.

Hope it is still doing okay!

Breathing is alittle heavy and fast.
Has it eaten yet? (or more importantly interesting in food) ?
I don’t know what the heck is going on with the video but this link should work.

Today the fish is eating. I don’t know how much because it’s still not acting normal. It will come flying out of it hole and take a bite and run back to home. Color is very dark but breathing looks normal. Did eat a little this morning and this afternoon. Obviously still stressed but I think he will pull threw.