Flood Number Three!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2005
ARGH - for those who keep on top of these threads, wasn't it this past week when I had my second flood?

This morning I came down and the tank was doing that forboding slushy air sucking noise and I thought that I had let the evap get out of control, but no. Our DIY fuge lost it's seam and drained into the cabinet and onto the carpet. JUST when we'd gotten the rest of the carpet dry. Sigh.

I'm not entertained this time :eek: SOB
I feel for you. I could not imagine if my tank sprung a leak.
Shauna, I haven't even met you and somehow every time I read a thread about floods, your name is there! Sounds fishy to me...

Well I had my own flood over the weekend when filling my tank. One of the closed-loop unions came loose, dumping water all over the carpet and under the house.
My Heck Shauna!! What is this about? Maybe your carpet looks attractive to your tank water.

LOL!! naww i think that because summer is coming she just wants to have a swimming pool in her house :p :D .
Shauna I think it's time for some onsite flood prevention consulting :) lol

A tile surround and containment might be a good thing. Let me know if you ever want any help.
I KNOW!!!!! My team at work thinks that I'm playing hookie today. I explained that my RO/DI unit takes all day to produce the required water to refill the tank and they all roll their eyes, look outside and think... "hum, maybe I have a tank too, and yeah, I had a flood... and I need to refil the tank, and it's going to take ALL DAY"

Sigh. yeah. I know, well now I have room for the ca reactor... ;)
You know how your life really sucks and then you meet someone who makes you go - well things aren't really that bad?

Let me introduce myself - your life isn't that bad.

On Monday, the sewer in the basement backed up. Roto Rooter came out and took care of the tree roots. I had the fun job of cleaning the basement. The water came up through the drain in the furnace room which is also where the sump, RO/DI, etc is located. I put on my flipflops, went downstairs, and I scraped all the goo up and disposed of it. I then taped off the sump and started cleaning everything with bleach water. However, I noticed the water level in the sump was low so I opened up a valve to fill it back up. As I'm cleaning, I lifted a filing cabinet to mop underneath of it - it slips and lands across my foot. I finish cleaning and hobble upstairs to evaluate the damage. It takes a while to get he sock off (I know - only a few of us fashion mavens can pull off the sock and flipflop look - it's a gift) and I'm greeted with a big toe that's cut, bruised and hurts like you wouldn't believe.

My wife is trying to get the 2 kids to bed and sends me off to the emergency room. 3 hours later and the diagnosis is a big toe broken in 2 spots. I get home, she tells me what a moran (fark.com) I am for doing this 1 month before vacation and we go to bed.

As I'm lying there, I have the feeling that I've forgotten something. Oh yeah, I was filling the sump when I was cleaning wasn't I? I hobble downstairs and there's a river going across the basement. I turn off the water, turn on a couple of fans and think that I probably should have gotten that Vicodin prescription filled.

So, in retrospect, things really aren't going that badly for you are they?
Yuck... sewage floods remind me of my apartment in college. We lived on the bottom floor. One Friday before I left for the weekend I noticed a wet spot on the carpet near the laundy room. "That's weird", I thought, and left. I came back Sunday evening and there was water all over the back half of the apartment. I immediately called the landlord annd they sent the plumbers out the next day. When they arrived, I left for class, came back, and there was raw sewage all over the apartment.

I'll spare you the disgusting details (of which there are plenty), but to make a long story short the girls living upstairs had been flushing tampons down the toilet for three years.
i feel your pain. I've accidentally overfilled my top off system a couple of times...had a little cleaning up to do:( That's what i get for forgetting the RO/DI water is on. Wish I had an "aquarium room"
Oh no Shauna :(

I hope things are well again.

Did you catch that Clarkii?

Maybe start thinking about doing a Feng-Shui type of room deal!? LOL...j/k j/k.....

I know i've had my share of bad luck, and it seems like we as reefers persevere and still, nothing brings us down...so it seems.
