Sure Krish we have to mimic nature for basic requiremtns of the critters we keep, you could even go farther and say we use water and that is found in nature.
arty: I am not trying to throw a wet blanket over the concept, just trying to show that its impossible to mimic nature, what we should be doing is drilling down and try to recreate what nature is doing by the actions that happen in it.
So let look at say tidal flow, in nature billions of gallons flow onto the reef and take away vast ammount of detritus/waste and so on. This would be equal to doing hundreds of water changes a day, not realistic. But if we drill down and look at it we can say that natures natural path is to remove as much detritus and so on as much possible, so concentrate on that.
Tides/cross tides, wind, wave action in nature is used to again remove detritus/waste, make food available, povide oxygen and so on. As reeers if we tried to recreate this it could get pretty messy. So we cant recreate waves breaking over the reef providing airation? but we can use a skimmer to inject air, maybe keep the surface tension down? Is that like nature? no but it fufills the need.
So Its not like we are on totally different pages here, I am just saying recreate the effect not the method?? When we go after the actual process we can only fail as we cant meet any requirements from a scale perspective.