Something to think on:
Ever wonder why sps sometimes, when just ordered and received in the box, you pull it out and the polyps are all extended? But then you add it to the aquarium and it takes weeks for it to fully extend like that again? Flow has a lot to do with it.
For me, in a closed system constant flow is crucial for good oxygen exchange and keeping the detritus in suspension. We can replicate nature as best we can but the truth is, were dependent on mechanical filtration for the best results possible. In order to get the best possible result from our filtration starts with the flow in the display tank and how that is carried to the filtration.
I have always done flow 24/7 with zero slack time. Slack time is good for taking pictures
Ever wonder why sps sometimes, when just ordered and received in the box, you pull it out and the polyps are all extended? But then you add it to the aquarium and it takes weeks for it to fully extend like that again? Flow has a lot to do with it.
For me, in a closed system constant flow is crucial for good oxygen exchange and keeping the detritus in suspension. We can replicate nature as best we can but the truth is, were dependent on mechanical filtration for the best results possible. In order to get the best possible result from our filtration starts with the flow in the display tank and how that is carried to the filtration.
I have always done flow 24/7 with zero slack time. Slack time is good for taking pictures
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