Flow - Is it important 24/7 ?

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Something to think on:
Ever wonder why sps sometimes, when just ordered and received in the box, you pull it out and the polyps are all extended? But then you add it to the aquarium and it takes weeks for it to fully extend like that again? Flow has a lot to do with it.

For me, in a closed system constant flow is crucial for good oxygen exchange and keeping the detritus in suspension. We can replicate nature as best we can but the truth is, were dependent on mechanical filtration for the best results possible. In order to get the best possible result from our filtration starts with the flow in the display tank and how that is carried to the filtration.

I have always done flow 24/7 with zero slack time. Slack time is good for taking pictures :D
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But then you add it to the aquarium and it takes weeks for it to fully extend like that again?

You would be surprised why they do that..but thats another subject.

So I have my powerheads switch from left to right. then off at night. In the morning at 6 am. the left side kicks on until 1 pm then the right side kicks on. An hour after my lights kick off the powerheads kick off. I had it switching back and forth every hour but decided to try to simulate the in and out surge of the tide. Granted I do not have alot of SPS. So maybe it has something to do with the type of corals being grown. GOod subject though.
Get on it then Frankie.:) I'll take a wild guess on your scenario. The corals polyps are extended in the bag because it is searching for food? Just my thoughts from observing my tank's in the past which I think may be a misconception people have when they say, "Oh my coral is doing great! I just put my coral in the tank and in no time, all of the polyps were extended"? I'd imagine that they would extend as they search for food (which may not be available) just as they extend when food is made available and they are feeding on it?

Just my take on it.

Mojo, I understand what you are saying. It makes sense. I gathered this from your earlier post. Was just curious if something benefical took place in periods of no flow or if there was any negative impact on 24/7 flow. You answered them... Thanks! :hat:
i have my tunze 6100 on a timer it shuts off at night. during the day its at full blast pulsing causing a 1" wave in my tank.
Hey there Titan, glad to see a new member on here to share their points of views. I think that this topic also brings up another point and that is that everyone does things their way, what suits them and their aquarium. So there is really no right or wrong way other then the basics (water changes, fish and coral compatability, and parameters)