Okay, so if a couple of people could be there around 4:30 to help setup I think we should be good to go. I've told the people bringing lights to be there around 5:45.
No need to bring your table. Eric has all that taken care of. If you could just bring your chairs, chips, and the check book.
One last reminder of what everyone has said they will bring.
Tanks - {Paul (1)50 (2)20 (2)10} {Gordon (1)20} {Reed (1)29} {Mike (1)20}
PH's - {Gordo ~7} {Steve 1} {Reed 3} {Mike 2} {Paul 2}
heaters {Gordon 4} {Steve 1} {Mike 4} {Paul 2}
lights - {Paul (1)4' (1)36" (1)24"} {Reed (1)4'} {Gordon (1)24"}
power cords & strips- {Gordon 5} {Alice 2} {Mike 2}
tables - {Gordon 3} {Colleen 1}
chairs - {Gordon 10} {Colleen 6}
pens to mark the tanks with - Steve
towels -Colleen