Ok so here i go, my question is should i get a pair of pink skunk clown fish. Thats the main question, here is the next question would they live well with my long tentical anenome (which is all ready in the aquarium).
Ok so i know you guys/gals, will want to know whats in the aquarium. I have a bicolor blenny, a coral beatuy angle fish, a royal grama, and a six line wrasse, and i dont know what happened to my exquisite wrasse or were he went. But he might be in there as well.
Thanks for the help :|
Ok so i know you guys/gals, will want to know whats in the aquarium. I have a bicolor blenny, a coral beatuy angle fish, a royal grama, and a six line wrasse, and i dont know what happened to my exquisite wrasse or were he went. But he might be in there as well.
Thanks for the help :|