Going green

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Nov 6, 2008
Tacoma wa.
We thought we would go a little more green during these cold nights
We actually took our dryer vent hose off the output to outside the house
I put a screen over it with a rubber band and now it's blowing heat back into the house..
Gotta do laundry so why waste good hot air?
I know it sounds ghetto but it is a good way to keep the furnace from kicking on as much..
Oh with the lack of humidity over here right now I will take a bit of moisture
Plus I have it blowing over a big towel just for that.
AND it's only for a night or two..
I would be more worried about the moisture even though it is dry outside.

On a lighter note I swapped over to LED christmas lights:D
In an effort to go green I succumbed to the laws of gravity vs m equilibrium last night....

I've heard of people doing the laundry vent thingy before....good call.
I thought we all heated our homes with aquarium lighting...but maybe when the temperature dips below 20 and the lights are off we need to resort to other means. :)

It's not ghetto though, I know people who live in colder areas of Idaho who do this all winter long. Every little bit helps when its -18 like it was there a couple nights ago. :shock: Brrrrr!
this is a great idea and being a broek student in bellingham i am going to bring this idea to my roommates
Yea my house in the living room stays a toasty 73 from the tanks but my room.. buuurrrrrr
on those below freezing nights it prolly drops to like 50 in my room.
SO gotta do something to stay warm.
Now I'm fine but the last few weeks were brutal
(the one good thing is all the laundry was clean every day LOLOLOL))