going to double the size of my tank a few ???'s

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Apr 19, 2008
Bremerton, Wa
I currently have a 38gal acrylic tank, 40-50lbs of LR, some shrooms and leathers
just a couple fish (blue hippo tang and dragon goby)
along with a clean up crew

I'm looking at a 75g tank with corner sump...

can I transfer everything from my existing tank to one 2x it's size (all at once) without issue?

I was thinking setting up the tank, half filling it,
setting the sg, and temp
adding new sand, and some new rock

then transfer everything from my current tank

in this order?:
rock, half the water, sand, then livestock, then the rest of the water.

would this be safe?

(in my mind) it seems like it would be the same as a 50% water change and adding sand and rock

oh yeah,

can my 2700lph
(Odyssea WP-700 65w) is that 700gph?
handle it?

I just did a calculator,
2700lph comes out to 595gph (if I remember correctly)
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I think you should get a 125g. set up a 75 and you'll wish you had gone bigger as soon as you put water in it :) :) :)
I think you should get a 125g. set up a 75 and you'll wish you had gone bigger as soon as you put water in it :) :) :)

you're probably right,

but I can't afford a tank that big (let alone the live rock to make it happy)

and I really don't think I have the room for a tank that size
48" long and 18" deep is about all I've got room for in this house.
A 75gal is a great sized tank!!! I actually went from a 90gal to a 75gal simply for the dimensions :) As for your question on the transfer, it may or may not be safe for you to transfer everything right over. It all depends on a few things...

(1) Are you replacing all the sand because you mentioned you'd be adding new sand. If you're ditching the old sand bed for a new one, you will lose quite a bit of the beneficial bacteria that was in the sandbed and therefore may experience a shock to your biological system as well as experience a cycle. If you are just adding new sand to the already established sand bed, then you should be fine there.
(2) You mentioned adding in some new rock which will make the most difference. It all depepnds on how much more rock you are adding and the condition of the rock you are adding (ie will it be fully cured etc). If not cured, you will experience some die-off etc and experience another cycle.

It is quite possible you may experience a cycle of some sort so let us know about the sand and rock so we can better know what to suggest. Good luck with the swap! :)
I also really like the dimensions of my 75. It allows for good aquascaping and such. I think you'll be fine but might experience a small cycle from your existing live sand being stirred up. How old is your existing live sand bed?

Hope you do plan to upgrade to a much bigger tank as that Hippo Tang grows...lol.
let alone the live rock to make it happy

Pretty much everyone agrees that going as large as possible for their space/budget is good. Bear in mind that you don't HAVE to fill the tinkg with rock.....

Many folks create what I call the "wall of rock", which is actually detrimental to flow, placement of corals, and long term growth. Look at pics by Disturbedreefer, Sherman, and others of tanks with moderate to minimal rockwork that allows for long term growth. Eventually the coral that YOU grow will become the live rock you seek, and as long as you don't overpopulate with critters it will do the job nicely.
sand bed
I believe what I currently have is finely crushed coral, (it looks more fine than what I've seen in pics online, but not as fine as sand)
I've read how sand is better than crushed coral, that's why I was going to replace it

the sand bed is probably 4 years old or so...

should I mix the CC with sand?

live rock
Im guessing I have about 40lbs of live rock right now,
I was leaning towards picking up another 20, then when I've got some more cash, another 20
looking for some "rubble" as well as "boulders"
I intend to have 20lbs worth of the rock in my sump tank. (I don't wanna have the new tank too crowded)

as far as the condition of the new rock,
I will probably be picking some of it up from my LFS (Shark Reef)
as well as keeping an eye on the classifieds section.

thanks for the replys
keep em' coming

Your plans for live rock sound great! I wouldn't suggest mixing the CC with live sand. The live sand will just end up sifting its way to the bottom and you'll still end up seeing nothing but the CC. The smaller particles always seem to end up at the bottom. Replacing with new live sand will also stop any possible problems that can be caused by stirring up an existing sand bed.