Golden Dwarf Moray not eating

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Swimming with the fishes
Feb 8, 2009
Bellingham, WA
Hi Lee,
A friend just bought a ~12" Golden dwarf moray that was living in a very large aquarium.
The moray seems to be comfortable, but has not eaten (several days) since introduced to it's new home. He has tried fresh shrimp, scallops, and thawed silversides. Nothing seems to work. I think the tank is a lightly stocked 75. Assuming that the tank parameters are all in good order, what would you suggest?

In general, the Moray group is hearty, but desperately need a lot of space. They are one of the fishes I really don't recommend to the hobbyist.

Having said this, they are like most eels: able to go off their feed for weeks, and then start up eating suddenly on their own. Many Puffers go through this, too. No one knows why.

Keep tempting the eel. They have a keen sense of 'smell' (they detect chemicals in the water) so water quality needs to be good and 'clear' so that when a food is placed in the water, the smell is as intense as possible. There should be a skimmer and a large carbon filter (or chemical filter of some sort) on this system.