Good flow for mixed reef?

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2006
I read an article that talked about creating a circular pattern of flow (for larger tanks) around the reef structure with one or two pumps. It said that this can create a good flow pattern and higher velocity in the upper region while the lower portion of the reef recieves less flow which would good for lower light needing corals. It also mentioned that you can reverse the flow for a period of time (12 hours perhaps) to allow a more complete coverage of the reef. Anyone doing something like this? It kinda implied that the quicker on/off wavemakers were not as effective (for larger tanks) because of the time needed to genertate a descent momentum of flow.

Hello Greg,
I run 3 Tunze pumps on my home tank. I have them set on a 12 second pulse that changes the flow rate from 30% - 100%. Two or more of these type pumps facing each other on alternating flow patterns works very well. The most common type of reef environment is the fringing reef. Many SPS corals are found in this area where the wave surge timing ranges 3-7 seconds average and occurs in water depths of 15-50ft.
I also have 4 Sea Swirls that sweep 90 degrees and back in 1 min.

Thanks Kevinpo. I'm trying to come up with something that is afordable but yet effective.
I have found a cool wave motion in my 120g. I have 2 mj mod 1200's and have placed 4 mj{2 900 and 2 1200} around the tank and are on a wavemaker and they come on and off in the circular fashion, kind of like Kevin mentioned. I'm just on a much smaller scale. LOL..
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Interesting. What type of wavemaker is the mojs on and at what frequency do they cycle? Whats the configuration? Any clicking noises from mods turniung on and off?
Actually I'm not using the mj mods on the wavemaker. Just the regular maxi jets. I have the mods running continuously. I had heard about them and the noise of trying to run them on a wavemaker.