So, I won a bunch of corals off of ReefOdysea’s ebay auctions last week, and was very anxious to get my new beauties on Monday. When I opened the box, instead of the 16 high end corals I ordered, there was 9 corals, and were mostly common beginner stuff like mushrooms, zoas and even xenia. I sent a message to the guy on ebay, and within 20 minutes he called me at home, and promised he would replace everything, and let me keep the frags I got in the meantime. He was very cool, and I was very happy about the way he dealt with it. He said that when he dropped all the boxes at fedex, he had the names written on top of the boxes, and the fedex people put the shipping labels on wrong. The guy who expected to get his shrooms and xenia, got my box of high end badass corals, and instead of contacting the guy to see what happened, or even just keeping the corals as a good score, he decided to open a complaint through ebay because he didn’t get what he ordered. I can’t believe how greedy and selfish this jerk is, and I have ordered corals from these guys several times and got nothing but premium grade livestock and wonderful service. I offered to send these corals to the jerk to make him shut up, but havn’t heard back yet.