green dust algae

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Jun 15, 2007
hi all,

i recently moved my tank across to a bigger tank its now 1000l and took all the other tanks water across

i keep getting this luminous green dust algae growing on the bare bottom and the front glass, its similar to diatoms that it wipes off like a dust but just returns

some specs

kh 7
cal 400
po4 0.04
sg 1.025
nitrate 0.05

lights 8 x 80watt ati power mod brand new bulbs
3 x 6101 tunzes
ap851 deltec skimmer

i have been dosing zeo but stopped now
lol, totally agree,

i read some where that raising the kh abit will also help get over it sooner is it true
The KH should be pretty decent if the tank has freshly mixed up salt. The algae is eating nitrates and phospates that got stirred up and leached out in excess of the filtrations ability to keep up. If it is annoying, water changes and perhaps phosphate reactor could help or let nature run it's course.

Keep in mind that the algae needs not just nutients but light and CO2 such that too high of a dkh plus a high dissolved organic load, will probably lead to the appearance of blue-greens.

A high level of photosynthesis at the same time the presence of a great deal of organic material in the water, will produce more CO2 increase the algae growth. Higher amounts of light combined with more CO2 provide more energy and since the carbon dioxide is present, blue-greens will start to grow.

Make sure you have sufficient fresh air, maybe a water change, perhaps lower your light schedule, and ride it out.