Guide to Lazy Reefkeeping

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
Alright - if you are reading this, then chances are you're looking for a way to make your reefkeeping experience a lazier one.

I thought it would be a good idea for us to share some tips or methods you have found to make the reefkeeping life easier on you, so you can spend more time enjoying your tank.

One trick I read more recently, and I apologize to the person that posted it...I don't remember who it was:

For those pesky suction cups that don't like to keep the powerhead in place....simply purchase an algae magnet and glue the powerhead to the inside piece. Now, not only will your powerhead stay in place, but you can move it around to where it works best! Great for Algae feeding clips, too.
good topic, Nikki :)

here is a algae mag that rocks

the best thing i could come up with was to just leave the tank alone, which is hard to do, if we are in the tank a lot things wont grow, now that is lazy lol

hehehe - not too many lazy reefkeepers around? :D

Here's another one I thought of. A label maker makes a great tool. Use it to label dates for media in equipment. For instance, on a phosphate reactor - make a label for the date the media was put in. Then, at a quick glance you can see about how old it is, instead of flipping through a notebook (or whatever your record keeping is). Can be applied for a bulb for a UV unit, carbon, etc. Also, label all outlets, and electrical cords so at a quick glance you know what is plugged into where. Same with light bulbs. If you can find a safe place to stick the label, that will tell you quickly how old the bulbs are.

Labels may seem like an obsessive-compulsive issue, but it actually makes it easier to not have to look through notes. :)
Auto-topoff in all its various forms seems the most obvious to me, especially since I don't have one setup on the nano yet and desperatly need to.

as in hey wife, scrub my skimmer for me! (please)

Ok that doesn't work, just like "Wife, clean litter box"

Whew if she saw this!
"I thought it would be a good idea for us to share some tips or methods you have found to make the reefkeeping life easier on you, so you can spend more time enjoying your tank."

Have your refrigerator close enuf to your favorite chair so you don't have to get up to get your favorite beverage while watching your tank. :D :D :D
My tank stand is 30" tall...just the perfect height so I can sit in a chair while I clean the glass....

One that I haven't done, but will likely do in the future if I can get it to work.....attach a toothbrush to the siphon hose, so while scrubbing off the rocks, you are also siphoning away all the junk that comes up.
LOL - I guess ultimate laziness will be hire someone to take care of your tank, wear a diaper, and have one of those fancy chairs with the fridge built right in it....but what's the fun in that? Maybe I should title it the Guide to Easier Reefkeeping. I can't believe there aren't any more tricks out there! I'll keep on the look out - I'm all about making life easier for people :D
Hey, you are stretching it on the diaper!!!!!!!!!!! What about controllers and such. They sure make life easier, and save on test kit usage, ( ph monitor). Calibrate them once a month and you are good to go.
definatelylike the mini water changer...need to get that one working. I use the Python water changer to drain water from the tank, and maxijet 900 with some 1/2" tubing to replace it from bucket of fresh ASW. I use a label maker to ID the power switches on my American DJ PC 100A Power Centers...this means I can easily (and quickly) shut off power to things when needed.
I also got tired of thawing out small bits of frozen food in RO water,discarding the water/sifting through a brine shrimp net, then adding food to the tank....everytime I wanted to feed the tank. So I justdid one big batch and added selcon to the mix...then put it all in a ziplock baggie and back in the freezer. Now, its faster to feed the fish, and I dont have to leave detailed instructions for Rocio to feed the fish when I'm gone....

NaH2O said:
One that I haven't done, but will likely do in the future if I can get it to work.....attach a toothbrush to the siphon hose, so while scrubbing off the rocks, you are also siphoning away all the junk that comes up.
I really like this idea. Thanks Nikki.
Here is the schematic for my wc system. The valve position determines the pump function. The pump turns on or off by itself.

When I clean my skimmer, I'm able to put my arm all the way inside, so I use some of the algae magnet pad for acrylic tanks and wipe out the inside of my skimmer. Seems to cut through any stuff that is collecting on the inside of the skimmer. For skimmers that are too small for the average human can try and use either one of those long handled algae scrubbers, or a simple kitchen glass scrubber thingy. You know....the ones on the long handle that have the spongy thing on the end?
NaH2O said:
...a simple kitchen glass scrubber thingy. You know....the ones on the long handle that have the spongy thing on the end?

Gosh, sorry, Nikki - you are being way too technical for me now!!!

LOL - I'm not supposed to know what it is....I'm just supposed to know how to use it :D . Good thing I have a dishwasher....
When I set up my 50G vat I first filled it.
Then drain 5G at a time and mark the tank each time.
I did the same to the reef tank up to a 30% change.
Now I will never do a water change again and run out of new water to add.

I also got a wooden broom handle. Untreated and not painted.
Cut it to the ideal length and then put a slit in the end. Now a straight razor blade fits perfectly in that slot. I buy 100 razors for a few bucks and save money vs. the Kent aqua scrapper and replacement blades. Only down side is I scrape 1 inch at a time. Luckily I only have a 120 :D

I use an auto float on the vat. No more floods or dragging the RO to the sink.
I also just got an auto top off from Lifereef for the sump.