hair algae.

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
How does one remove hair algae is starting to grow pretty quickly. Im new so whatever its all good.
Has your tank finished cycling? What are your parameters water wise? What size tank? Do you have a fuge? If you have a lot of hair algae i would suggest a lawn mower blenny all though that can be hit or miss also. I have found for me hair algae is a sign of excess nutrients and phosphate are you skimming how are you exporting nutrients?
yea i have hair algae in my 10g as well . mine is a 2 month old sps tank. 2 ocellaris ................i have an aquac remora on my 10 and the only way i can somewhat control it is just picking it off. little by little.
As already mentioned, algae is a sign of excess nutrients (nitrates, phoshates etc). If the tank is still in the cycling stages, then that's normal...With time and maturity, it should all balance out. Just keep up with your water changes using ro/di water and try not to over feed as any left over food not removed can foul the water and cause unwanted algae to grow. A few questions were already asked about your tank and to add to them, are you using ro/di water, and what do you have for filtration? Let us know and good luck!:)
krish: what are you talking about?? i have had 0 nitrate since day one after teh cycle and i still get hair algae on my center piece rock...haha

brady: mines just on one rock. not to mention the glass
crizzle: yea i have the exact problem. i think it is becuase when the power went out a while ago, i had bubbles on that rock and that was a sign of excess neutrience. well it looks like algae is taking advantage of that but it should go away.

babyuu: hahaha a rabbit fish. that would be more of a pest if they started reproducing like real rabbits. hahahahaha
have had 0 nitrate since day one after teh cycle and i still get hair algae on my center piece rock...haha

LOL! That's probably because all of your nitrates were bound up in the algae thus the reason you read 0 nitrates.;) Algae needs nutrients to grow so the fact that there is algae in the tank means there is a food source. Just think of how a refugium works with a macro for nutrient export. You read 0 nitrates and phosphates , but the algae is growing because it is using it up (binding it up) so make sure you export it:D
You trim it back which removes it from the system. Same as a refugium using for eg. chaeto. You allow it to grow so much, then you trim it back some to export the bound up nutrients leaving just enough for the process to repeat itself. :)