hair alge

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mark peacock

Mar 28, 2006
over the last 4 to 5 months i have been having a problem with this and the only 2 things i have done different is
1= put a di unit on my ro
2= and added another 400 watts of metal halide total watts now 876
it was around that time when this all started
so my question could these changes be the problem i have done 2 weekly test across the board on my tank and they come out the same every time
everything is fine
nitrate 0
calcium 430
phosphate 0
magnesium 1200
ph 8.0
alk 9
amonia 0
nitrite 0
i do regular water changes on my 100 gallon beast and clean my power heads every month i am at a loss on what could be feeding the alge any ideas
i did get a lawn mower blenny and not doing the job to good
my tank size is
5ft by 2ft by 16inch
and my skimmer is doing its job as well:|
I had the same problem with my small tank. I ended up buying a sea hare and he took care of 97% of the algae in one day. I run my lights 10-12 hours a day because of work and school which was part of the problem. I would recommend a sea hare to anyone with an algae problem. Only problem is when it eats all of the algae he then has to be fed algae strips.
like boosted said a sea hare works but try and rent one, cause you wont need him for very long. also how old are you light bulbs?
Your lights could be going out of spectrum as well. If it has been a while replace them.
The lights are not even a year old i changed them last year about 5 months ago and i have a blenny but does not eat the stuff (lawn mower) may be it is the bulbs i only run my haliades for 11 hours a day the rest in antinics did not know that loss of spectrum could course hair alge? at a loss really
a change in the bulbs spectrum can cause growth of different might want to try running the halides for only 8 hours or so and have the lights on for 10-12 hours total
Though I am still learning. It is my understanding that the hair algea and other algeas thrive off of a whiter spectrum the 10k and below. I am no professional but I run 20ks with pure actinics and have not had an issue with the hair algae. I could just be lucky though with that, every other possible thing that could happen, always happens. But good luck with the sea hare. I have read that they do a very good job.