Hang-on Skimmers

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May 4, 2007
I'm not exactly new to the world of SW tanks, but it's amazing how things have changed since my last tank 15+ years ago. Protein skimmers were still science fiction back then. Anyway, I'm wondering what the pro's here think of the D&D Marine Typhoon Hang on Tank Skimmer. You can see it here:


It's a 6-month old 30-gallon tank with 2-inches of crushed coral/shell substrate sitting on an air-powered undergravel filter (I know, I know... I'm getting rid of it :D), an Emperor 400 (minus the bio-wheels), and 15+/- pounds of live rock. Lighting is one 96-watt 10K and one 96-watt blue actinic. In it I have a pair of true percula clowns, a grey angel, a cleaner wrasse, a golden head sleeper goby, a mandarin goby, another 1.5-inch fish (yellow with a purple streak that goes from the top of his head down his back to his tail), lots of hermits, and no snails (they all died).

I also have a 5-gallon slow-flow refugium that is filled with a 4-5 inch DSB, 8 red mangroves, several different types of macroalgaes, 3 hermit crabs, a sea cucumber, and I'm about to order a fauna starter kit from Inland Aquatics. This part is only a month or so old.

SG is 1.022. My ammonia and nitrites are zero, pH is 8.2, nitrates are down to 20 from 80 (thanks to the wonderful advice I found here), and my calcium is 420. All are Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.

That should just about cover it all...

All opinions and direction are greatly appreciated. I've already learned so much about lowering my nitrates and what to do to rid my tank of hair algae (switched to RO/DI, removed bio-wheels, feeding only every other day). I trust that you will teach me many great things about skimmers as well!

Thank you all for your help, Linda
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I have seen them before, but can't really comment on how great they are because I've never tried one. What size tank are you planning on putting it on? If you don't get the feedback you are looking for , I'd talk to Mark (skimmerwhisperer). He should know about that skimmer...Also, if you are interested in some other nice hang on's, I'd look into the AquaC Remora's, Deltec and the Octopus. All are great skimmers...Good luck!:)
Only HOB Skimmer I've ever had is the Aqua C Remora, and I LOVE it.

I have a friend with a Berlin Turbo she Modded and put on a Mag 9.5. Its on a 240gallon sumpless tank that's absolutely stunning. Its a HOB skimmer too.
i for one dont care for the remora,
i think it's a sluggish p.o.s., and you cant really mod them in any way to acheive better performance, except putting a big ugly mag pump in your tank...
i would suggest the tunze 9005 or mabye even the 9010, both of these skimmers sit IN the tank, but the skimmer is a 4 x 5 black box, so it looks like an inobtrusive corner overflow box.
these skimmers are great, highly adjustable, great performance.
if you had a sump i would probably suggest something else, but for smaller systems w/o a sump these rock.

The Typhoon has been getting some good reviews and seems like a decent skimmer, especially for the price. The Aqua C Remora seems to have mixed reviews, which is probably due to the fact that its hand built. The height of the spray injector seems to drastically affect the amount of skimmate thats produced. An in-sump skimmer would be preferable as they can produce much more skimmate for the price of a HOB skimmer.

You may also want to bump your salinity to 1.025, which would be more consistent with levels found in the ocean.
i've used the coralife super skimmers only thing about them is that they are a bit loud, the pumps are. they make good skimmate though, just have to clean the venturi intake every once and a while
or the cpr they are some nice skimmers for the price but u cant mod them much.
mhhhuuuuwwwwaaaaahhhh....yes you can :razz:

i mesh moded a maxijet 1200, and did the venturi mod, and got a bakpac to skim on a quarrantine tank @1.12 sg, smokes (comparatively speaking)on a regular salinity tank, had a turbulence prob, but i fixed that:)
i'll post pics tomorrow from barrier(where the skimmer is).

to make a long story short, bring me your bakpacs, i'll breath life into them like they never lived:D
out of the box, they kinda suck...
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hey skimmer what if i gave u my needle wheel could u mesh mod it and ship it back. from mail.
on the C remora skimmer, how do you increase the bubbles? I notice a little nylon screw in the intake section on the tube, does this do anything?

I have dropped the cup as low as it will go and its still extremely dry, i would like to on occasion have a wet skim, like just before cleaning.
a way u can increase bubbles is drop a airstone and pump into it, i know some people do that for skimmers to add more bubbles
dont' know about ur other questions though never owned a remora myself
i for one dont care for the remora,
i think it's a sluggish p.o.s., and you cant really mod them in any way to acheive better performance, except putting a big ugly mag pump in your tank...
i would suggest the tunze 9005 or mabye even the 9010, both of these skimmers sit IN the tank, but the skimmer is a 4 x 5 black box, so it looks like an inobtrusive corner overflow box.
these skimmers are great, highly adjustable, great performance.
if you had a sump i would probably suggest something else, but for smaller systems w/o a sump these rock.


how can you dog on one of the most unanomously liked skimmers of all time...easy to use and gets great skimmate. for those that dont want to upgrade its a great purchase..i dont have one, but i'm getting one..so i'm not completely nias either...well....yet